Ikuti Lomba Model Busana Muslim 2010

Saat ini posmetro salah satu media cetak ternama di batam sedang mengadakan lomba Model Busana Muslim 2010 di Mitra Mall Batu Aji Batam Kepulauan Riau.

Lomba model Busana Muslim ini di khususkan untuk para mahasiswi pelajar, disini tidak disebutkan untuk muslim, tetapi bisa juga untuk yang bukan muslim (nonmuslim). Jadi jika anda merasa pede bisa tampil di panggung tentunya harus percaya diri cepat anda mendaftar sekarang juga sebelum pendaftaran ditutup.

Hadiah utama yang di lombakan cukup menarik, karena ada satu buah motor untuk pemenang pertama, dan masih banyak hadiah lainnya. Penentuan pemenang ada beberapa kategori penilaian, yaitu:
- Penilaian pilihan pembaca melalui poling koran posmetro
- Penilaian pilihan juri melalui penampilan peserta
- Penilaian pilihan juri melalui wawasan peserta
Itu yang paling utamanya.

Syarat untuk mengikuti lomba model busana muslim 2010 ini sebagai berikut:
- Harus wanita pelajar SMP atau SMA sederajat
- Memberikan Photo Close Up terbaru sebanyak 2 lembar
- Memberikan biodata pribadi peserta
- Harus berdomisili di Kepulauan Riau (Batam, Bintan, Karimun, Lingga, Natuna, Belakang Padang dan sekitarnya)
- Bersedia mengikuti tahapan-tahapan pemilihan.

Anda tidak usah khawatir buat para pendukung jagoan anda, karena posmetro sendiri memberikan hadiah untuk para pendukung model tersebut. Hadiah tersebut cukup menarik, karena ada Kulkas, TV, DVD, Kompor Gas, dan masih banyak lagi.

Jangan anda lewatkan kesempatan ini, buruan daftar ke: Gedung Graha Pena Batam, Lantai 3 Posmetro. Jalan Raya Batam, Batam Centre - Indonesia (Dengan Mbak Elin), atau bisa juga menghubungi Hp. 0813 72863566 (Daulay).(DLY)

Berikut adalah para peserta lomba model busana muslim 2010, yang sudah mendaftar.

Trash littered the Engku Princess

After New Year Celebration
BATAM, METRO: Behind the festive New Year celebrations in 2010, the area around the garbage berserakkan Square Engku Putri Batam Center. This is of course a tough job for workers who used to sweep the square location Batam Centre. Well ... sich in retrospect it's in their job, depending on the government, the government may make exceptions on a sweeper by providing more fee for one day, especially at locations in Batam Centre Square. Friday (1 / 1).

Rubbish such as plastic kresek, tissues and the former lightweight and Styrofoam food parcels and trumpet the new year. It's a new year so his name should be like that, if not years not only his name, so much so that if the garbage has become a fair, cool-cool later if saha is not a new year jugular name.

Engku scattered in every corner of the Princess told a crowd and merriment as people celebrated the turn of the year Batam. That means residents of Batam was indeed happy and busy with the event, it is sometimes such things are also very important, because so far we are always busy with work so that each of us can not enjoy a break or enjoy a casual or heppy or whatever it was name.

From the monitoring POSMETRO sich, about eight o'clock in the morning, there were about five people sweeper wearing yellow vests have started cleaning the area. Starting from the cup and collect food packing box made of Styrofoam, the cleaners began combing the rubbish that berserakkan in the region. (Les)

Memei, Sex Workers Localisation Sintai Batam Riau Islands

Memei and 150 men who slept with her.
The clientele ranging from high school students to grandparents.

It did not take much time to get close to Memei - a pseudonym. Friendly demeanor, impressed along with everyone, and cheerful, guaranteed to make even shy man as comfortable talking to him. Supported by the tiny body and olive skin, every man would not stand the temptation 23-year-old woman.

Memei sex worker who was hung in one of the bars in the Localization Sintai, Tanjunguncang Batam Indonesia. Because of his profession, he is to attract smart - read sahwat - every man who visited a bar owned by hubby who maintain it. For PSK, the body is the main capital Memei to continue to survive in the harsh world.
Age is considered young, but about the black experience in the world, Memei not be regarded lightly. Six months of living life as a prostitute, Memei counting more than 150 men who had slept with her. At this time Coverstory edition, Memei opportunity to share a little experience to readers.
This is her story:
Unlike most other sex workers who claim to often fall into prostitution because it deceived the world, claiming Memei very consciously chose the profession. Economic factors are the main reasons why he wants to become a prostitute. Especially after a divorce with her husband, about the beginning of the year 2009.

Some time after the divorce, a woman from West Java was introduced to (PJ), a man who is also the owner of the bar where she now hung. By PJ he was immediately offered as the PSK. Memei willing. About a month ago in July 2009, Memei fly to Batam.

''This has become my choice, "said Memei. Capital about the tiny body, olive skin, and face - and body - a glimpse of similar artists and presenters Nirina Zubir, Memei waterfall in the world of prostitution. Confessing not much mastered a variety of styles intercourse , Memei have a "weapon" other, more deadly. It is a seduction.
Prostitution is the world's very hard and often make or physically hurt. Memei admitted, since the prostitute themselves, not infrequently he received treatment less favorably than men who use her services. Starting from the demand for intercourse style weird, to acts of violence such as beatings.
Customer Strange Request
"Ah but sometimes there is a strange request, there is a mountain style meat ask, I say not bad. Finally so sick of all," he said while chatting with POSMETRO Memei Wednesday afternoon and then at the bar where Memei work. Sitting cross-legged on a beige couch, his face still visible despite ayunya absolutely no make-up faces made.

As she talked, her lips almost unending Memei petite smoking fetish Sampoerna Mild. In undergoing the profession, for Memei, "Problem style (intercourse) is not a variety, but how do I make him happy I know how. That's enough."

From 150s ever Fuck with it man, Memei story, they come from different walks of life. Ranging from grandparents to high school kids never served. "Children like high school sometimes stray too, the goat was also there," he explained.

Working night and must rely on physical strength certainly need stamina. To that end, shoulder-length hair, admits she likes to consume jamu. So not surprisingly, overnight Memei could serve five men at once. "When I was in Basic jengkol, because crowded once in a night, can I ladeni to five people," added Memei. Principal jengkol is illegal in Tanjunguncang localization Batam Riau Islands - Indonesia. Memei place that used to work at the end of December and then evicted Batam City Government. (Tjo)

Dukung Lomba Model Metro, Batam Model Metro

Posmetro Exhibition Se-Kepulauan Riau di Panbil Mall Muka Kuning Batam tanggal 26 Juni sampai dengan tanggal 11 Juli 2010. ( Property, Otomotif - Accessories ). Lomba Model Metro yang di selenggarakan oleh Posmetro di Panbil Mall Muka Kuning Batam, kini sudah mulai banyak pesertanya, semakin hari semakin meriah. Model-modelnya cantik-cantik, juga memiliki kualitas model yang top.

Para peserta lomba Model Metro ini semua imut-imut, usia juga masih muda-muda, semua memang mempunyai bakatnya di dunia Model, para panitia kelihatannya sudah pada sibuk dengan mengurus pendaftaran, stan lomba di Panbil Mall, semua sudah didekorasi sedemikian rupa. Acara ini sangat luar biasa, karena acara juga sangat banyak bukan di dunia model remaja saja.

Dalam acara ini Posmetro mengadakan Pameran Otomotif, Property, Busana, dan sebagainya. Peserta pameran juga sangat banyak sehingga Stand pameran sekarang tinggal beberapa Stan lagi yang tersisa. Berikut adalah peserta Pameran yang di adakan di Panbil Mall Muka Kunining: Bank BNI Syariah - Cabang Batam, Bank BTN Syariah - Cabang Batam, PT. Citra Perdana Cemerlang, Rumah Warna, PT. Widya Cipta Fortuna, Oprimeland - Real Estate A Member Of Primeland Group, PT. Pas Abadi Sejahtera - Kawasaki, PT. Graha Sejahtera Mas Utama (GSMU), PT. Indra Giri Makmur Sentosa, Agen Baju Balqis, PT. Asuki Motor Prima, Telkomsel, Telesindo Shop, PT. Senturi Ultra Dinamis - Dealer Resmi sepeda Motor Honda. dan masih banyak lagi.

Untuk yang Sponsor acara adalah: Golden View Hotel, Agung Otomotif, Suzuki, Dealer Indomobil Batam, Telkom Flexi, Celine Production, Pemko Batam dan Otorita Batam.

Acara ini terdiri dari kategory sebagai berikut:
1). Lomba Modifikasi Motor dilaksanakan pada tanggal 4 bulan Juli 2010.
Untuk kategori Kelas mOdifikasi, Air Brush, Matic. Dan Syarat untuk menikuti modifikasi ini Syaratnya adalah: Fotocopy STNK Motor, Uang pendaftaran Rp. 100 ribu, dan pendaftaran paling lambat 3 Juli 2010, pendaftaran bisa dengan Bpk. Robi di nomor Hp: 0813 72028284.

2). Lomba Model Metro, Kategory Syarat berikut:
Foto copy identitas diri, umur harus 14 tahun sampai dengan 25 tahun, harus disetujui orang tua peserta, membawa photo sebanyak 2 lembar, yang satu photo full body, yang satunya lagi setengah badan, membayar biaya administrasi sebanyak Rp. 25 ribu rupiah, audisi berdasarkan poling dari koran, (dari poling koran para model akan diambil 10 besar dari poling koran, nanti berdasarkan poling terbanyak 10 besar ini akan di panggil ke tempat acara di Panbil Mall Muka Kuning Batam dan sana akan dinilai oleh juri, nah... disanalah ditentukan pemenangnya siapa). Berarti seluruh model harus siap tampil dengan seindah atau se seksi mungkin, karena seluruh peserta dinilai oleh juri dan keputusan juri tidak dapat di ganggu gugat. Anda dapat menghubungi: Bpk. Andi di nomor Hp: 0852 64585758

3). Lomba Photo Balita, Kategory Syarat sebagai berikut:
Mendaftar dengan membayar uang pendaftaran sebesar Rp. 25 ribu rupuah, pendaftaran paling lambat 10 Juli 2010, Penilaian Lomba Photo Balita ini dinilai berdasarkan Poling koran terbanyak, kuponnya sudah disediakan dikoran Posmetro batam. Anda bisa menghubungi: Bpk. Hendri dengan nomor Hp: 0813 64962510 atau Bpk. Afrizal Hp. 0812 70224422

4). Lomba Mewarnai Kategori TK ini sebagai berikut:
Harus membayar uang pendaftaran sebesar Rp. 50 ribu rupiah dan bisa mendapatkan baju Kaos, Peralatan mewarnai seperti meja, alat tulis harus dibawa sendiri oleh peserta lomba, Pendaftaran ini paling lambat tanggal 26 Juni 2010. Anda dapat menghubungi: Bpk. Dharma dengan nomor Hp. 0812 6163994.

5). Lomba Pestival Band untuk para Pelajar dan Mahasiswa, Kategori sebagai berikut:

Acara ini dilaksanakan pada Tanggal 10 dan 11 Juli 2010, Syarat untuk mengikuti Lomba Pestival Band ini adalah: Harus menyerahkan photo copy kartu Pelajar atau kartu Mahasiswa, harus membayar uang pendaftaran sebesar Rp. 150 ribu, diacara ini peserta harus membawa alat-alat Band seperti Gitar, Keyboard. Pendaftaran ini panling lambat 8 Juli 2010 dengan membawakan dua buah lagu, kategory lagu adalah Lagu wajib dan lagu bebas. Anda dapat menghubungi: Ibu Desi di nomor Hp. 0852 72504436.

Untuk informasi lebih jelas anda dapat menghubungi Bpk. Suwardi: Hp. 0812 7041449 daerah Batam Kepulauan Riau, Ibu Imas Hp. 0813 64707681 untuk daerah Tanjung Pinang Kepulauan Riau, dan Ibu Desy Hp. 0852 64396580 untuk daerah Tanjung Balai Karimun. Formulir pendaftaran anda bisa dapatkan di Koran Posmetro.

Employer cook raping 15-year-old pregnant Up

MEDAN, BM: Because of the inability of the economy, name it Flower girl 15-year-old teenager who has chosen to quit school. Economic reasons also make it to work as a cook. But the misfortune that occurred in place worked. Accrued interest 15-year-old who is still sitting dibangku schools should now be raped employer, where he worked.

Flowers are a citizen of Sei Alim, Air Batu subdistrict, district shavings. Everyday she works as a cook in a stall owned by her employer's call Toyib (40) on the outskirts of the City Range. Initially, the new job about a month dilakoninya not meet constraints.

But the disastrous start to come after this little girl so special attention to his employer, Toyib. The employer is apparently so eager to see plumpness and smoothness of her body is still below that age.

With a new reason got a call from both parents Flowers in the village, offering services directly Toyib will deliver flowers to meet his parents. Innocent girl who became the backbone of this family, faith alone, and he immediately set up his job so he could meet his parents.

Then Toyib and Flowers tandem on motorcycles. But in the middle of the road, his motorcycle Toyip turned into one of the hotels on the Range. Flowers could protest, but quickly Toyip replied that he was tired and asked to rest awhile.

Toyip which already has a wife and children was taken into the room and asked Flowers. That's where direct Toyip hugged and spark interest continues to struggle.

Flower power was then handed her virginity. Once satisfied, Toyip bring flowers back to his stall, not to her parents' house as promised.

A week later, returned with Flowers Toyip to the same hotel. Any act of husband and wife again. And again, Toyip promised would be responsible. And only about a month working in a new place, stomach Flowers had occasional nausea and vomiting. He also checked

self to the doctor, they will know that she was pregnant. Toyip bang''I went to ask for accountability. But bang Toyip angry and gave money and herbs to abort my womb, "said Flowers.

Seeing a former employer does not want to take responsibility, Flowers more confused. Then he chose to return home and told his parents that only works as a farmer.

With heavy hearts, flowers also make a complaint to the district police shavings 5 September 2009 with no reports STPL/520/VII/2009/Asahan. And now these cases are still rolling in the police. (Rpg) Posmetrobatam.

Smothering, Withdrawn, was suffering a Girl Raped 13 Years

BATUAJI, BM: Weight for the roses, the victim of rape.

The future of this 13-year-old girl after she was raped by amber SH, neighbors own. First-grader in junior high Batuaji is raped in one of the shophouses in Batuaji, Wednesday (26 / 5) night at around 20:30 hrs ago. Both the victim's parents now bring the issue to the police Polsekta Batuaji.

POSMETRO found at his home in Batuaji, J Rose's father, accompanied by his wife to tell her daughter's tragedy. "He wants to buy stationery," JO suffered disastrous early to tell Rose.

Wednesday night, the Rose and then excused himself out to buy the necessary stationery. When he was in the middle of the road, suddenly a man who is none other than SA, a complex neighbor Rose, smother the victim from behind and pulled his hand toward a shophouse. Well, in one room in the shop, finally Rose raped.

When the attractive force SA Rose, she did not realize that his actions could be witnessed by a citizen. Residents were then told what he had seen the parents of the victim. "There was a look, then tell me," said JO said, mentioning the names of persons who reported the incident.

Received the report, JO and some residents headed straight people shop where his son was raped. Sure enough when banging on the room, Rose and SA was found in the bedroom. Anger is mounting as she watched the behavior of residents who have been raped Rose SA, and immediately lifted crude to Boxing SA. Finally, parents bring immediate Roses Roses home while residents took to the Polsekta Batuaji SA. "His case has been handled by police, the perpetrators have been brought to the office Polsek," said the victim's father.

Head Polsekta Batuaji, Adjunct Commissioner M Syarhan ICS is now his party justifies holding SA. His case now, said Syarhan in the middle of the short message, "Still in the process of investigation." (Tjo) Posmetrobatam

Girl elementary school made intoxicated by drink and then raped

Well ... still events in batam about the rape of girls elementary school, back to the earlier incident a year ago.
Events at the time the victim was unconscious, which has happened very surprising. RE admitted to not participate in the action of the rape. "Only three of my friends, I lost no time (located in separate places)," he said when met in the investigator, on Tuesday.

That night, the RE told, before the incident he had gathered together seven other male colleagues. In a chat teens who was then still a high school student, asked the RE about seoran girl. "They tell a girl that can search using that," said RE.

Out of nowhere the idea, just think of PU RE, former boyfriend can be utilized for the needs of his colleagues were obscene. Be the first night, contact the Public Works RE. He called the first PU. Although their love affair broke up, but they still often communication. RE PU invited to hang out with her friends in the former building Stodio 21, Baloi. "I pick up, hold us nongrong there," he continued the story.

From the former cinema building, they were moved to bekalang Karoke Baron, not far from the place of beginning. There they held a mat with a bottle of liquor. PU is the only girl in the congregation were forced to taste the alcohol miniman earlier. Until finally, the girl seduced and drinking it.

Evening progressed, more and more intoxicated PU. "He drank half the bottle," said the investigator told the results of examination of the RE. After that, the action was carried out depraved group of students. "I also invited, but did not want to, because he's my ex-boyfriend," RE continue the story.

So did his fellow RE others, some did not participate sordid action. In RE mentioned in the police Investigation Report, a friend who did the rape just three people. "If today there is still in Batam, there is also already out of Batam," he said.

Feeling responsible, he continues to wait until his ex-girl was unconscious. Until finally he drove home. RE did not think if the events of this past year will be back dikenangnya with legal process such as this. "After the incident, I never see you again. Once, but okay, "he said.

PU reasons why bring the ex-boyfriend to serve his fellow depraved appetite, because more of PU which he considers himself not a good girl. "The first time he said he had high school acquaintances, but it is still SD. Previously I've also been in touch denganya the same love-love in the hotel, "he tells the story of their love.

Their relationship is very short. According to RE, after being introduced by a friend, not long after they had tied the love relationship. After two weeks later they broke up with reasons not suitable anymore. (Sha) Posmetrobatam