Ikuti Lomba Model Busana Muslim 2010
undefined Comments - 18 Sep 2010
Saat ini posmetro salah satu media cetak ternama di batam sedang mengadakan lomba Model Busana Muslim 2010 di Mitra Mall Batu Aji Batam Kepulauan Riau. Lomba model Busana Muslim ini di khususkan untuk para mahasiswi pelajar, disini tidak disebutkan untuk muslim, tetapi bisa juga untuk yang bukan muslim (nonmuslim). Jadi jika anda merasa pede bisa...

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Trash littered the Engku Princess
undefined Comments - 05 Sep 2010
After New Year Celebration   BATAM, METRO: Behind the festive New Year celebrations in 2010, the area around the garbage berserakkan Square Engku Putri Batam Center. This is of course a tough job for workers who used to sweep the square location Batam Centre. Well ... sich in retrospect it's in their job, depending on the government, the gove...

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Trash littered the Engku Princess
undefined Comments - 05 Sep 2010
After New Year Celebration   BATAM, METRO: Behind the festive New Year celebrations in 2010, the area around the garbage berserakkan Square Engku Putri Batam Center. This is of course a tough job for workers who used to sweep the square location Batam Centre. Well ... sich in retrospect it's in their job, depending on the government, the gove...

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Ikuti Lomba Model Busana Muslim 2010

Saat ini posmetro salah satu media cetak ternama di batam sedang mengadakan lomba Model Busana Muslim 2010 di Mitra Mall Batu Aji Batam Kep

Trash littered the Engku Princess

After New Year Celebration   BATAM, METRO: Behind the festive New Year celebrations in 2010, the area around the garbage berserakkan S

Memei, Sex Workers Localisation Sintai Batam Riau Islands

Memei and 150 men who slept with her. The clientele ranging from high school students to grandparents. It did not take much time to get clo

Dukung Lomba Model Metro, Batam Model Metro

Posmetro Exhibition Se-Kepulauan Riau di Panbil Mall Muka Kuning Batam tanggal 26 Juni sampai dengan tanggal 11 Juli 2010. ( Property, Otom

Employer cook raping 15-year-old pregnant Up

MEDAN, BM: Because of the inability of the economy, name it Flower girl 15-year-old teenager who has chosen to quit school. Economic reason

Smothering, Withdrawn, was suffering a Girl Raped 13 Years

BATUAJI, BM: Weight for the roses, the victim of rape. The future of this 13-year-old girl after she was raped by amber SH, neighbors own.

Girl elementary school made intoxicated by drink and then raped

Well ... still events in batam about the rape of girls elementary school, back to the earlier incident a year ago. Events at the time the v