Death can be planned well

We all know (or at least pretend to know) that the actual death that no one knows, when and where he kept coming. But at least, there is still nothing we can do to make it come at the right place and time.

Hmmm ... seems counter to the understanding of fate, but by just not even really in line with the meaning of destiny.

In the Sunni understanding of Islam wal Jama Ahlusunnah, that the actual fate is something logical and measured, according to his mashdar. The word destiny comes from the Arabic word qaddara, who shall mean the measure, giving levels, or size. if there are people who say: "God has ordain", it means that God has given the grade, size, certain limits within myself, the attributes or the maximum capacity creatures.

And that even death is a destiny, too, because he has been determined. However, destiny is not something that saklek size, it remains flexible, could change before final regulations to come. Attempts to change the destiny called the endeavor.

Concept Husnul Khotimah (late certainly as good), for me also something measurable. And still I think, that we can get Husnul Khotimah consciously.

For example, do not approach the clear areas kemaksiatannya value or even dim. Because, who knows, when it set foot in these areas, the death angel is ready to wait, then we lost the place it lives. And we certainly as evil end.

An Advice: Be careful
Prudence, in the language of religion is known by the term `Wara. Be careful not to try it, or deliberately trying hotspot disobedience. Both the sinners are clear kemaksiatannya, or the dim.

Activities are always maintained, will cause us to be able to get the end of a good death. Wake up to sleep, Prayer, tadarus, breakfast, leave for work (and always tried to avoid the vices during work), come home, pray, to sleep again .... Always keep himself from sinners, we can certainly get mnyebabkan Husnul Khotimah.

Happily, that Husnul Khotimah, can be achieved by anyone, as long as he's faithful, and protect themselves from the area-vices. From: Posmetrobatam