Well ... still events in batam about the rape of girls elementary school, back to the earlier incident a year ago.
Events at the time the victim was unconscious, which has happened very surprising. RE admitted to not participate in the action of the rape. "Only three of my friends, I lost no time (located in separate places)," he said when met in the investigator, on Tuesday.
That night, the RE told, before the incident he had gathered together seven other male colleagues. In a chat teens who was then still a high school student, asked the RE about seoran girl. "They tell a girl that can search using that," said RE.
Out of nowhere the idea, just think of PU RE, former boyfriend can be utilized for the needs of his colleagues were obscene. Be the first night, contact the Public Works RE. He called the first PU. Although their love affair broke up, but they still often communication. RE PU invited to hang out with her friends in the former building Stodio 21, Baloi. "I pick up, hold us nongrong there," he continued the story.
From the former cinema building, they were moved to bekalang Karoke Baron, not far from the place of beginning. There they held a mat with a bottle of liquor. PU is the only girl in the congregation were forced to taste the alcohol miniman earlier. Until finally, the girl seduced and drinking it.
Evening progressed, more and more intoxicated PU. "He drank half the bottle," said the investigator told the results of examination of the RE. After that, the action was carried out depraved group of students. "I also invited, but did not want to, because he's my ex-boyfriend," RE continue the story.
So did his fellow RE others, some did not participate sordid action. In RE mentioned in the police Investigation Report, a friend who did the rape just three people. "If today there is still in Batam, there is also already out of Batam," he said.
Feeling responsible, he continues to wait until his ex-girl was unconscious. Until finally he drove home. RE did not think if the events of this past year will be back dikenangnya with legal process such as this. "After the incident, I never see you again. Once, but okay, "he said.
PU reasons why bring the ex-boyfriend to serve his fellow depraved appetite, because more of PU which he considers himself not a good girl. "The first time he said he had high school acquaintances, but it is still SD. Previously I've also been in touch denganya the same love-love in the hotel, "he tells the story of their love.
Their relationship is very short. According to RE, after being introduced by a friend, not long after they had tied the love relationship. After two weeks later they broke up with reasons not suitable anymore. (Sha) Posmetrobatam