Trash littered the Engku Princess

After New Year Celebration
BATAM, METRO: Behind the festive New Year celebrations in 2010, the area around the garbage berserakkan Square Engku Putri Batam Center. This is of course a tough job for workers who used to sweep the square location Batam Centre. Well ... sich in retrospect it's in their job, depending on the government, the government may make exceptions on a sweeper by providing more fee for one day, especially at locations in Batam Centre Square. Friday (1 / 1).

Rubbish such as plastic kresek, tissues and the former lightweight and Styrofoam food parcels and trumpet the new year. It's a new year so his name should be like that, if not years not only his name, so much so that if the garbage has become a fair, cool-cool later if saha is not a new year jugular name.

Engku scattered in every corner of the Princess told a crowd and merriment as people celebrated the turn of the year Batam. That means residents of Batam was indeed happy and busy with the event, it is sometimes such things are also very important, because so far we are always busy with work so that each of us can not enjoy a break or enjoy a casual or heppy or whatever it was name.

From the monitoring POSMETRO sich, about eight o'clock in the morning, there were about five people sweeper wearing yellow vests have started cleaning the area. Starting from the cup and collect food packing box made of Styrofoam, the cleaners began combing the rubbish that berserakkan in the region. (Les)