Ternyata Facebook bisa menghasilkan US$ (Dollar)

Manfaatkan main facebook dengan menghasilkan Dollar, jangan lewatkan paypalwishlist.

Cara mudah mendapatkan uang lewat Internet, 100% Free (tanpa dipungut biaya) Syarat yang paling utama Anda harus mempunyai Account Paypal dulu, karena pembayaran anda akan dibayar lewat paypal, nah dari paypal bisa ke kartu kredit.
Kalo dulu menggunakan paypal harus pake kredit Kard, nah... kalo sekarang bisa juga menggunakan rekening Bank untuk pencairannya.

cara untuk mendapatkan account tersebut sangat gampang juga dan sudah tersedia untuk beberapa bahasa termasuk bahasa indonesia, pokoknya gampang dech....

Anda harus pintar-pintar donk...
Apalagi level seprti kita inikan harus pandai-pandailah memanfaatkan situasi, dari pada anda berhura-hura saja lebih baik mendapatkan dollar heheh

Menyelam sambil munim air dah biasa, sekarang kita harus merobah menjadi Menyelam sambil Minum Air Susu, kan lebih enak tuh ada ada susunya, makanya Main facebook daftar di paypalwishlist, anda heppy juga dapat uang kan mantap begitu... Daftar disini

Para selebriti senang menggunakan UGG Boots

Ugg Boots adalah sebuah jenis mode boot terbuat dari gaya model terpopuler sheepskin. Dapat dipakai dimana saja, Tidak ada aturan mode ketika datang untuk mengenakan sepatu bot ini.

Sepertinya memakai gaya ini boot istirahat hampir setiap mode-rule. Banyak selebriti telah dilihat memakainya.Ugg Boots, Jika Anda belum tahu cara memakainya mungkin saja anda tiba-tiba tertarik dengan Ugg Boots tetapi anda memang tika pernah dan tidak pandai memakainya, mereka sudah menyediakan panduan untuk cara memakainya.

Melihat-lihat dan Anda akan menemukan Ugg Boots telah menjadi komoditas yang diperlukan dalam mode dan dengan nyaman.
Fleksibilitas khusus, mereka pun sangat populer di sepanjang tahun. Pada musim dingin, ugg kaki Anda akan tetap hangat dan kering, sementara kaki Anda akan tetap sejuk dan nyaman di musim panas.

Ugg boots dirancang untuk dikenakan telanjang-fit, memberikan nuansa mewah kulit domba terhadap kulit Anda. Karena sifat unik dari serat wol, sepatu bot akan cetakan dengan bentuk kaki Anda, sehingga cocok dengan pribadi unik yang tidak dapat diganti dengan alas kaki lainnya.

Awalnya, ugg boots dan sepatu kulit domba lain harus mengisi nyaman / perusahaan di sekitar Anda cocok. Ini akan memungkinkan wol untuk kompres dan untuk boot untuk mengubah bentuknya agar sesuai dengan bentuk unik kakimu, sehingga yang sempurna dan maksimal sesuai perasaan hangat dan nyaman, disediakan oleh kualitas premium bahan yang digunakan di Australia nyaman alas kaki.

Jika ugg Anda tidak yakin tentang ukuran, hanya mengukur kaki terbesar dari bagian belakang tumit ke ujung jari kaki terpanjang Anda dan gunakan pengukuran dan ukuran tabel di bawah untuk berolahraga ukuran Anda.

Uggs adalah kualitas terbaik sheepskin. The sepatu terbuat dari kulit domba. Asli Ugg boot merek gaya di Australia dan Selandia Baru di mana ia menggambarkan jenis sepatu bot kulit domba. Ini sepatu yang nyaman dan hangat menjadi sangat populer dalam beberapa tahun terakhir di seluruh dunia, sebagian karena pemasaran, tetapi juga karena pengakuan dari beberapa selebriti, Di Mall sudah sangat banya yang menyediakan barang tersebut, bahkan ada yang memberikan diskon.

Ternyata Paid to Promote Bisa menghasilkan Dollar

Cara mudah untuk mendapatkan uang lewat blog (dari Blog) sangat mudah, anda hanya memuat link didalam blog anda, jika pengunjung meng klik konten tersebut atau memmang mendaftar maka anda dibayar dengan mata uang dollar, itu sangat mudah kan,,,

Jadi anda bisa mendaftar dan menampilkan iklan tersebut di blog anda, cara mendaftarnya sangan mudah dan sangat gampang sekali, Syarat yang paling utama anda harus mempunya account Paypal dulu, jadi sebelum anda mendaftar di sini ( Paid To Promote ) anda mendaftar dulu di paypal, kenapa harus mendaftar ke paypal..? Karna anda dibayar melalui paypal.

Di paypal itu nanti anda jangan bingung jika paypal memintak kartu kredit anda, karena tanpa kartu kredit kita bisa mendaftar di paypal, jika pas di pendaftaran terakhir paypal akan memintak no kartu kredit anda, tapi anda bisa melewatkannya karena sekarang pembayaran di paypal sudah bisa lewat Bank.
Jangan anda lewatkan untuk mendaftar sekarang, karna ini tergantung blog anda, jika pengunjung blog anda banyak maka kesempatan anda untuk mendapatkan uang lebih banyak.

Blog anda tidak harus menggunakan bahasa inggris karena berbahsa indonesia juga bisa dimasukkan seperti blog ini ( http://www.batammedia.blogspot.com ) berbahsa indonesia juga bisa muncul iklannya.

Dalam 15 hari anda akan dibayar oleh pait to promote berarti setiap tangga 15 dan tanggal 30

Berbeda dengan Google Adsense, kalo iklan Google Adsense harus bahasa inggris atau jerman atau yang lainnya kecuali bahasa indonesia, kalo bahasa indonesia iklannya tidak akan muncul. Terima Kasih Daftar disini:

Sudah terbukti dan ini dia:

Yusnarti, Salah Satu Korban Selamat Ferry Dumai Exspres 10

ABK Kapal Marah Ambil Pelampung

BATAM MEDIA : Yusnarti (36), warga Batam tak henti-hentinya menaggis ketika sedang menghungi keluarga kerabatnya melalui hape pinjaman. Yusniati merupakan korban selamat dari Kapal Ferry Dumai Exspres 10 yang karam di Perairan Karimun. Yang membuat tangisnya tiada henti, ia harus terpisah dengan ibunya yang bernama Norma.
“Saya tak sempat memberi pelampung kepada ibu saya. Ibu saya sudah tua, tak pandai berenang. Waktu saya mau ngambil pelampung untuk ibu saya, saya dimarah ABK kapal. Katanya, kapal sudah biasa macam gini, kapal belum tenggelam lagi. Padahal, kapal sudah mereng, dan air laut sudah mulai masuk,” tutur Yusnarti sambil mengatakan ibunya memakai baju kurung warna Unggu dan jilbab warna putih yang berencana ke Bengkalis.
Lain Yusnarti lain pula cerita Achai (40). Demi menyelamatkan nyawanya ia rela tangannya koyak berdarah karena luka. “Tangan ini luka, waktu saya tumbuk untuk memecahkan jendela kapal.

Dari jendela kapal lah saya menyelamatkan diri,” cerita Achai. Menurutnya, waktu kejadian ombak sedang tinggi-tingginya, dan jalan kapal sudah mulai oleng, karena masuk ke air laut.

Dari penuturan korban yang selamat, sekitar 30 menit setelah kapal masuk air kapal Dumai Exspres 10 langsung tenggelam. Korban yang sempat memakai pelampung (Life Jacket) harus terapung-apung dilaut. Menurut cerita korban yang selamat ini, mereka dibantu kapal nelayan yang sedang mencari ikan. “Kami dibantu kapal ikan, terus dinaikan ke boat milik TNI AL,” tutur Diana (31) warga Kp Baru Sekupang Batam sambil menggendong anaknya Yosep (2) yang ikut selamat dalam musibah ini.

Tidak hanya Yusnarti yang harus berpisah dengan ibunya, Rony (23) warga Rusun Bida Ayu juga harus berpisah dengan ibunya bernama Asmaniar (60). Rencanya ia bersama kakaknya, ponakannya beserta ibunya mau pulau ke Padang Sumatera Barat. “Saya tadi menyelamatkan kakak saya yang sedang hamil, dan anaknya. Tapi, saya terpisah dengan ibu saya. Suasana di kapal pada panik semua, tapi saya sudah memasangkan pelampung ke ibu saya,” tutur Rony sambil meminjam hape milik POSMETRO untuk menghubungi keluarganya.

Kapal Ferry Dumai Eksperes 10 berangkat dari Pelabuhan Domestik Sekupang sekitar pukul 08.00 WIB dengan tujuan akhir Dumai. Seharusnya sekitar pukul 10.45 WIB kapal tersebut sudah harus menyandar di Pelabuhan Tanjungbalai Karimun, namun musibah tak bisa dielak, Kapal Dumai Ekspres 10 yang dinakhodai Johan dengan jumlah penumpang yang tercatat sebanyak 213 orang harus mengalami musibah.

Proses evakuasi hingga berita ini diturunkan masih terus berlangsung, baik melalui nelayan maupun melalui kapal BC, TNI AL, Pol Airud dan masyarakat setempat. Korban yang selamat dibawa ke Pangakalan Lanal Karimun untuk didata, dan selanjutnya dibawa ke Kediaman Bupati Karimun.
Upaya penyelamatan juga beraneka ragam ada korban yang selamat dibawa ke Lanal Karimun, dan ada juga yang dibantu nelayan setempat dengan turun di Pelambung Kecamatan Tebing. Bupati Karimun H Nurdin Basirun turun langsung ke laut untuk membantu proses evakuasi korban yang selamat.

Hingga berita ini diturunkan, sejak pukul 13.30 WIB, sekitar 36 korban selamat yang berhasil dievakuasi dengan kapal TNI AL, dan dibawa ke Pangkalan TNI AL untuk didata.
Korban yang selamat dan berhasil dievakuasi melalui pelabuhan rakyat Pelambung Kecamatan Tebing jumlahnya sudah hampir mencapai 100 orang.
Akan tetapi informasi ini masih simpang siur, sebab upaya evakuasi korban kapal tenggal Dumai Ekspres 10 masih terus berlangsung.(hai)

Penyebab Pasti Tenggelamnya Kapal Dumai Express 10 Belum Diketahui

MEDIA BATAM, : Menanggapi karamnya kapal MV Dumai Express 10 yang menanggkut penumpang sebanyak 312 penumpang tersebut, Direktur Polisi Air (Dirpol Air) Polda Kepri AKBP M Yassin Kosasih menyatakan belum mengetahui penyebab pasti tenggelamnya kapal tersebut. “Informasi yang saya dapatkan kapal tersebut terkena gelombang yang cukup besar,” katanya saat dihubungi via telepon, Minggu (22/11) kemarin.

Perwira melati dua di pundak in menyatakan saat mengetahui ada kapal yang tenggelam di tengah lautan, langsung mengirimkan tiga unit kapal untuk mengevakuasi penumpang. “Kapal tenggelam disekitar Selat Moro dan Tanjungbalai Karimun,” jelasnya lagi.

Tidak hanya itu, kapal dari Markas Besar (Mabes) Polri juga diturunkan untuk melakukan evakuasi. “Kapal Mabes seri 649 juga turun untuk melakukan evakuasi penumpang,” katanya. Sementara itu dari pihak Dumai Express saat dimintai keterangan menyatakan juga belum mengetahui penyebab kapal yang dibuat pada tahun 1999 ini.

“Kami belum bisa memberitahukan apa penyebabnya, karena sampai sekarang orang yang berada di kapal itu belum dapat dihubungi,” katanya.

Pria ini juga menyatakan dalam kapal tersebut terdapat 213 penumpang dan 13 awak kapal. “Kapal berangkat pada pukul 08.00 WIB, dan kita mendapatkan kabar sekira jam 10.00 WIB,” ujarnya lagi. Saat ditanyakan tentang Live Jacket (Pelampung) yang terdapat pada kapal tersebut, dirinya menyatakan ada sekitar 300 pelampung di kapal.

“Jadi kalau ada penumpang yang berebut untuk mendapatkan pelampung, mungkin mereka dalam keadaan panik.
Pelampung ada di atas tempat duduk dan dibawah tempat duduk penumpang. Selain itu kita juga telah menempelkan pemberitahuannya di depan tempat duduk,” katanya lagi. (ams)

Dumai Express 10 Tenggelam Digulung Ombak

Penumpang Berserakan di Laut

Batam Media - KARIMUN, METRO: Tingginya gelombang di perairan Kepri, menyebabkan ferry MV Dumai Express 10 dari Batam tujuan Dumai tenggelam di perairan Tokong Hiu, dekat Tanjungbalai Karimun,Minggu (22/11) pagi. Hingga kemarin sore, dari manives di Karimun berjumlah 215 orang penumpang, sekitar 150 orang sudah berhasil diselamatkan, dan sampai pukul 18.00 WIB dikabarkan korban tewas berjumlah 19 orang.

Sampai berita ini ditulis, belum diketahui pasti berapa korban hilang dan yang tewas.
Begitu juga penyebab tenggelamnya kapal penumpang yang terbuat dari fiber itu tenggelam, dugaan sementara karena hantaman ombak yang akhir-akhir ini memang kuat di perairan Kepri.

Dari pantauan POSMETRO yang ikut kapal MV Dumai Express 05, sejak pukul 10.00 WIB, bangkai kapal MV Dumai Express 10 memang sudah tidak kelihatan lagi. Diperkirakan kapal tersebut tenggelam sekitar pukul 09.00 WIB.

Sedangkan para penumpang yang mengenakan life jacket terlihat berserakan di tengah laut, sebagian lagi ada juga yang terombang ambing di dalam sekoci.
Kuatnya ombak yang menerjang perairan tersebut membuat proses evakuasi sedikit terhambat dan lambat. Baik penumpang selamat maupun yang sudah meninggal, langsung di evakuasi ke Tanjung Balai Karimun.

Pihak Dumai Express mengerahkan dua kapal untuk mengevakuasi korban yakni MV Dumai Express 05 dan MV Dumai Express 19, dibantu kapal patroli TNI Angkatan Laut, Patroli Polair Polda Kepri, Bea Cukai, Baruna, dan Ocean juga berupaya mencari korban yang masih hilang.‘’Saat ini saya naik kapal Dumai Express 05 sedang berada di perairan lepas anatara Singapura-Indonesia.
Kita belum tahu pasti berapa jumlah korban, ‘’ ujar Yadi, reporter POSMETRO yang terjun langsung ikut mengevakuasi korban.

Sementara itu Ferry Dumai Ekspress 15 dikabarkan juga kandas di perairan Mongkol, Moro. Dan seluruh penumpangnya selamat.
Kejadiannya satu jam sebelum Dumai Express 10 tenggelam. (ria/tjo/hai)

Jeng, Pasha Masuk Bui

Batam Media - Ya gini ini Jeng, kalau dua orang sudah saling benci.
Gara-gara suka nyubit pas marah, si Pasha langsung dilaporin mantan bininya, si Okie, ke kantor polisi. Ujunga-ujungnya, hari ini (23/11) si Pasha bakal mendekam di tahanan Kejari Bogor.

Pas bapak emaknya Pasha ditanya soal kabar ini, mereka cuman bisa pasrah. Badannya kelihatan lemes gitu.

“Kita pasrah dan kita serahkan sama pengadilan,” gitu kata bapaknya Pasha, Syamsudin.

Syamsudin menegaskan, anaknya bukanlah pembunuh dan pencuri, karena dia berharap anaknya selalu dilindungi yang Maha Kuasa.

“Masalah besar dan kecil semua tergantung di atas dan kita biasa-biasa saja dan kalau salah menafsirkan kita bisa salah. Kita percayakan sama aparat dan di mana posisi anak saya,” pungkasnya.(tos/int)

Dian Sastro Lamaran

Batam Media - Ihh si Dian Sastro sudah dilamar nih Jeng. Duhh pasti hatinya si Dian sekarang lagi berbunga-bunga. Ya..., walaupun sampai sekarang si Dian selalu mengelak jika ditanya kabar pernikahan dengan pengusaha Indraguna Sutowo.

Namun di jari tangan kiri Dian tersemat sebuah cincin berwarna putih.

Ditemui akhir pekan lalu, tak sepatah katapun keluar dari mulut Dian.

Pemeran Cinta di film ‘Ada Apa Dengan Cinta’ ini hanya menebar senyum kepada sejumlah wartawan yang ingin mengkonfirmasi kabar pertunangannya itu.

Sejak ada kabar soal pernikahannya, si Dian makin susah untuk ditemuin nih Jeng. Beda dibanding dulu! Kenapa ya?

Ini bukan pertama kalinya mantan pacar pembalap Moreno Soeprapto ini kabur dari cecaran wartawan. Sebelumnya Dian juga selalu menghindar dari para pemburu berita.

Selain selalu pasang aksi tutup mulut mengenai hubungan asmaranya, Dian juga jarang tampil berdua di depan media dengan kekasihnya itu.

Kabar yang beredar, Dian memang akan melakukan pertunangan di bulan November ini. Dian juga dikabarkan akan melepas masa lajangnya awal 2010 nanti.

Bahkan jasa penyewaan tenda sudah mengukur rumah Dian yang berada di kawasan Kemang, Jakarta Selatan untuk menggelar acara pertunangan tersebut.

“Acaranya akhir November ini. Saya belum tahu tanggal pastinya,” ujar seorang penjaga rumah Dian beberapa waktu lalu.Selamat ya untuk Dian dan pasangan. Semoga, kalau pas acara resepsi kita pada diundang. (tos/int)

Dhini Aminarti – Dimas Seto Desember Kawin

Batam Media -
Dirimu sudah mendapat undangan dari si Dhini Amninarti blom? Kalo aku kok belum. Duh..piye ini? Iya Jeng, sebentar lagi, Dhina sama Dimas mau kawinan lho!

Kabar burungnya sih, artis kelahiran 29 Mei 1983 ini juga sudah melengkapi syarat perkawinan seperti, foto copy KTP, Kartu Keluarga dan surat keterangan berstatus lajang yang bertanda tangan dan bermaterai.
“Ini ada surat registernya no 361.

Kebetulan yang datang urus kesini adalah ibunya, ibu Aminah.
Dia minta diurus dari RT sampai ke Kelurahan. Dan semuanya udah lengkap kok. Berkas-berkasnya udah lengkap semua.”

“Mereka nikah di bulan desember nanti katanya. Mungkin diselenggarakan di sebuah gedung di Jakarta.” gitu kata Pak RTnya si Dhini.

Tapi pas kemarin sore daku jumpa si Dhini sama si Dimas, ehhh lagi-lagi mereka ogah-ogahan pas ditanya soal rencana perkawinannya. “Kita belum membicarakan tanggal pernikahan.

Pastinya pembicaraan sudah ke arah sana, cuma kapannya belum pasti. Pokoknya kalau udah pasti, gue ama Dhini akan ngomong ama kalian. Kalau nggak yakin, gue nggak pacaran sama Dhini.’’gitu kata si Dimas.(tos/int)

Batam served as an escape

 Many of the nomads who make Batam as their refuge, probably thinking that meant adnda escape, I mean everything refuge and problems, such as kampong own case, disappointment liver, economic factors, etc. to calm the mind.

Batam Kepulauan Riau (Batam) The plan will be a civil city. Local authorities had already implemented some of the small or already started. It is to make the City of Batam into a civil town is not easy to reverse the palm of the hand, of course, must take sacrifice, such as energy or the mind or the other, too.

Julia Perez, biar dendam kepada Ayah tapi masih punya hati nurani

Disadari oleh Julia Perez bahwa tidak akan pernah ada yang namanya bekas ayah. Meski dirinya tengah berseteru dengan sang ayah, namun tidak pernah mengatakan kalau Angkasa Jaya, adalah bekas ayahnya. Jupe, demikian biasa dipanggil, hanya menuntut keadilan dari pria yang telah menelantarkan ibu bersama dirinya sejak kecil.

"Emang nggak ada yang namanya bekas papa, namun kalau dulu ayah ninggalin, berarti papa yang memutuskan hubungan dengan kita. Sampai sekarang saya nggak pernah bilang kalau dia itu bekas papa Julia Perez, saat ditemui di acara preskon Pekan Kondom Nasional 2009 di FX Plaza, Jakarta Selatan, Kamis (12/11) lalu, Jupe telah melaporkan ayahnya, Angkasa Jaya. Diduga telah mengancam ibunya, Sri Wulansih dan juga dirinya.

Julia Perez dan ibunya, Sri Wulansih diancam akan dibunuh jika membuka rahasia sang ayah, yang telah menelantarkan keduanya.

Selain itu juga disadari Julia perez bahwa sang ayahlah yang akan menjadi wali dalam pernikahan dirinya nanti. Sehingga apapun yang terjadi saat ini tetap dalam hubungan sebuah keluarga, antara ayah anak dan ibu.

"Saya pasti menghormati hukum di Negara Indonesia, kalau misalkan saya nikah yang pasti akan ngundang ayah saya untuk menjadi jadi wali saya, saya nggak menuntut dia untuk tanggung jawab lebih".

Meski dirinya mengaku kecewa, Julia perez tidak menyimpan rasa dendam pada ayahnya.
Bahkan selalu berdoa untuk kedua orang tuanya agar tetap sehat dan lebih baik lagi dari sebelumnya, karena bagaimanapun itu adalah ayah saya, katanya.

"Tapi kalau sakit hati iya. Namun setiap hari aku selalu berdoa untuk mama dan papa. aku kan masih punya hati nurani, saya tidak tega melihat papa luntang-lantung ke mana-mana".

Pada hari Kamis (12/11) malam, menurut pengakuan Julia perez pengacaranya dijadwalkan akan menemui keluarga besar ayahnya, untuk membicarakan masalah tersebut.

Dunia Malam dengan kenikmatan Sex

Wanita yang ada dalam photo ini adalah termasuk wanita malam, saya membaca berita dari situs blog the confrenci wanita inilah yang di tampilkan sebagai wanita penghibur atau lebih sering dibilang wanita malam.

malam yang berpakaian seksi dan menggoda membuat malam terasa menjadi surga bagi pria sihidung belang. Mereka semua melupakan masalah dunia, yang ada hanyalah kesenangan. Lalu kenapa bisnis ini begitu merajalela?

Apa yang dimaksud dengan merajalela? Bisnis wanita malam itu mungkin sudah ada sejak ribuan tahun yang lalu. Bahkan mungkin sejak dunia ini masih muda umurnya atau bahkan hampir di seluruh dunia ini pasti ada tempat prostitusi.

Bisnis dunia malam ini begitu diminati karena memperjual-belikan sesuatu yang paling disukai pria yaitu SEX. Bahkan walaupun sering dirazia oleh petugas pemerintah, namun sangat sulit untuk menghentikannya, ada bahasa HIV/AIDS, Tetap wanita-wanita ini tidak takut dan mereka terus mencari pria pada malam hari.

Harga yang ditawarkan biasanya mengikuti umur dan kecantikan si wanita. Semakin muda dan cantik tentu semakin mahal dong.

Biasanya wanita semacam itu beroperasi di Bar, Pub, Diskotik, karoke, cafe dan tentunya panti pijat. Ada juga yang lewat jasa mucikari. Penggunaan media internet seperti friendster/facebook juga mulai digunakan oleh para wanita ini.

Lalu bagaimana cara menghapuskan prostitusi dari muka dunia ini.......?
tergantung dulu apakah wanita malan ini masalah atau bukan. Bagi para pria hidung belang tentu bukan masalah melainkan surga duniawi.

Lagipula jika ingin mengatasi masalah wanita semacam itu, kita harus tahu apa yang menyebabkan mereka mau melakukan pekerjaan. Yang pasti sebagian besar jawabannya adalah ekonomi atau mungkin wanita yang malas bekerja dengan dengan gaji sedikit dibanding bekerja jadi wanita penghibur yang lebih mudah mendapatkan uang, bisa dibilang dalam satu hingga 3 jam bisa menghasilkan uang 300 rb hingga 500 rb, kalau dia bekerja disalah satu prusahaan di indonesia gaji 500 rb harus memakan waktu 2 hingga 3 minggu baru mendapatkan uang sebanyak itu.

Tapi kawan, Mengatasi kemiskinan tidak cukup mengetaskan masalah ini. Karena para wanita ini berfikir ini adalah pekerjaan mudah. Cukup melayani lelaki hidup belang satu malam saja dan mereka mendapatkan uang. Untung-untung mendapatkan kenikmatan sex.

Yang pasti butuh kesadaran semua pihak baik pemerintah, masyarakt dan tokoh agama untuk menyadarkan wanita malam ke jalan yang benar. Dunia terkadang menghakimi mereka yang salah tanpa pernah berfikir bagaiamana itu bisa terjadi.

Dengan cara inilah kita bisa secara bersama-sama hidup lebih baik lagi. Terima kasih

Keep Your Colon Clean

Colon cancer is on the rise, with significantly more people being diagnosed with this potentially deadly disease below age 50 than previously. Although colon cancer used to be considered a disease of the elderly, probably because it was diagnosed mostly in older people, it now is seen in those who are much younger. During the 20th century, lifestyles became more sedentary and foods were processed more than before, a combination of factors that may have contributed to unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise that allows chemically-laced food to sit in the colon for longer periods of time. This allows these substances to have a prolonged effect on bowel tissue, which can lead to the growth of polyps, and ultimately, to colon cancer.

Cleansing the internal organs is as important as keeping external skin and hair clean. There are several things a person can do to improve colon health:

1. Eat a balanced diet. Get a nutritious supply of all the core food groups, including dairy, protein, fruits and vegetables, and fats. A well-rounded supply will help to ensure that your body receives all the nourishment it needs to function properly. If you are not getting adequate nutrition, consider taking a daily vitamin and mineral supplement that can add key elements to your diet.

2. Avoid processed foods. Eliminate or at least reduce the amount of food that has artificial preservatives. These include lunchmeats, sausage, ham, and hot dogs, many of which contain sodium nitrites and sodium nitrates, both of which have been shown to play a role in the development of colon cancer. Salt, another common preservative that takes a variety of forms in different foods, also may promote the development of cancer. Cook fresh food instead of buying those that have a longer shelf life due to added chemicals.

3. Drink plenty of water. Try to have at least eight glasses, eight ounces each, of clear water or beverages daily. Fluids help to clean your system by gently washing out offensive bacteria and germs that can harbor in the colon and lead to illness or problems.

4. Get daily exercise. Ask your doctor to
recommend a suitable exercise program that will help you get enough activity to keep your colon working as it should. Don’t overdo it, or you could get injured. Start slow with a walking or swimming program that will you get used to an exercise routine.

5. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables or other types of roughage. Your body needs fiber to keep clean. Fibrous foods act like a brush that sweeps through your body’s organs and passages to get rid of unwanted debris. Fiber gives your colon a necessary workout to keep you from getting constipated. Regular bowel movements help to keep the colon functioning properly.

Don’t forget to have annual medical checkups after you reach the age of 40. With proper care, your colon should do its job the rest of your life.

About the author:
Check out other helpful hints at The Colon Directory at

by: Charles Kassotis

Just How Dangerous is Asbestos?

With the increase in the number of lung cancer cases in recent years, it is vitally important to educate ourselves on the risks and consequences of asbestos exposure which accounts for over 80% of all mesothelioma cancer cases; a form of cancer, caused by asbestos exposure, that can affect the lungs (Pleural form), abdomen (Peritoneal form), and even the membrane around the heart.. A hefty 2000 new cases are being diagnosed every year according to the National Cancer Institute, and that number is on the rise. This leaves the question to be asked...

Just how dangerous is asbestos exposure?

Significant exposure to any type of asbestos will increase the risk of lung cancer, mesothelioma and nonmalignant lung and pleural disorders, including asbestosis, pleural plaques, pleural thickening, and pleural effusions. This is based on observations of these diseases in groups of workers with cumulative exposures ranging from about 5 to 1,200 fiber-year/mL. The conclusion is supported by results from animal and mechanistic studies.

Tobacco smokers who have been exposed to asbestos have a "far greater-than-additive" risk for lung cancer than do nonsmokers who have been exposed, meaning the risk is greater than the individual risks from asbestos and smoking added together. The time between diagnosis of mesothelioma and the time of initial occupational exposure to asbestos commonly has been 30 years or more.

Asbestos Facts:

1. When asbestos fibers are inhaled, most fibers are expelled, but some can become lodged in the lungs and remain there throughout life. Fibers can accumulate and cause scarring and inflammation. Enough scarring and inflammation can affect breathing, leading to disease.

2. People are more likely to experience asbestos-related disorders when they are exposed to high concentrations of asbestos, are exposed for longer periods of time, and/or are exposed more often.

3. Inhaling longer, more durable asbestos fibers (such as tremolite and other amphiboles) contributes to the severity of asbestos-related disorders.

4. Exposure to asbestos, including tremolite, can increase the likelihood of lung cancer, mesothelioma, and non-malignant lung conditions such as asbestosis (restricted use of the lungs due to retained asbestos fibers) and changes in the lung lining.

5. Changes in the lining of the lungs (pleura) such as thickening, plaques, calcification, and fluid around the lungs (pleural effusion) may be early signs of asbestos exposure. These changes can affect breathing more than previously thought. Pleural effusion can be an early warning sign for mesothelioma (cancer of the lining of the lungs).

6. Most cases of asbestosis or lung cancer in workers occurred 15 years or more after the person was first exposed to asbestos.

7. Most cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed 30 years or more after the first exposure to asbestos.

8. Mesothelioma has been diagnosed in asbestos workers, family members, and residents who live close to asbestos mines.

9. Health effects from asbestos exposure may continue to progress even after exposure is stopped.

10. Smoking or cigarette smoke, together with exposure to asbestos, greatly increases the likelihood of lung cancer.

Signs and Symptoms of asbestosis can include:

~ Shortness of breath which is the primary symptom
~ A persistent and productive cough (a cough that expels mucus)
~ Chest tightness
~ Chest pain Loss of appetite
~ A dry, crackling sound in the lungs while inhaling.

If you suspect that you have been exposed to asbestos, speak with your physician immediately and discuss your level of exposure. Early detection of mesothelioma increases your chances immeasurably.

You can get more information about mesothelioma and find helpful information and resources here: http://rarereviews.com/mesothelioma-cancer

About the author:
Mike Andrews is a research specialist who writes informative and news worthy articles for public distribution. These works stand to improve public relations and brand identity for the companies they represent.

by: Mike Andrews

Is Common Sense or Research Needed to Cure Cancer?"

It is an incredible feat that organisms can begin from one cell and then differentiate and compartmentalize into the millions of diverse tissue and organ niches that represent a mature body. Why brain, fingernail, liver, intestine and bone cells ever become what they are is mystery enough. Why they stay what they have become while still retaining the full genetic information to produce an entire new body, compounds the miracle even more.
Cancer is a condition in which cells lose their orientation and proliferate uncontrollably. Any cell can become cancerous. A lot of them do, but are squelched by cell death (apoptosis), the immune system or nipped in the bud by DNA repair mechanisms. Successful cancer cells escape these impediments, disregard normal cellular checks and balances and become an island unto themselves with only their own survival and self-interests at heart.
The cause of cancer is no mystery. It is our aberrant modern living context that has put us at cancer risk. When cells are forced to bathe in a milieu (the tissue soup we create with modern foods, drugs and lifestyle) entirely unlike what they are genetically programmed to expect, they revert to their most primitive directive – multiply, multiply, multiply – without regard for neighbors. It’s a sort of payback for our disregard for “neighbors” when we pollute and repudiate nature. Why should our cells be polite to their neighbors if we don’t have regard for ours? Since the immune system is compromised from the chronic stresses created by modern living, defenses are down. Couple this with the nutritionally depleted and perverted modern processed diet and you have the incubator for cancer.
Today, about one in three humans will get cancer. In pets it is worse and perhaps the leading cause of death. No evidence exists that the disease was of similar incidence before our modern era. President Nixon's "War on Cancer" (beginning in the early 1970s) is the most failed and embarrassing "military" campaign ever undertaken by any nation at any time in history. One person in 30 got cancer at the beginning of the 20th century, now almost one in two do.
Some will say that the only reason the incidence has increased is because humans and animals live longer due to modern medical measures. So when science fails in their mission to defeat cancer, they cleverly spin the failure as their success. As I have shown previously (Why Modern Medicine is the Greatest Threat to Health http://www.wysong.net/health/post_77_061902.shtml), this is nonsense since modern medical measures are themselves probably the number one threat to life.
The reason for cancer and most chronic degenerative diseases is modern living, pure and simple. We have subjected ourselves to an artificial environment to which we are not adapted. Nature – not exhaust, sugar, pop and plastic – is what we are designed for. Screw with Mother Nature and a price will be paid.
Whatever the inciting cause, it is known that inducement and propogation needs to be relentless and of long-standing duration. Cancer can have a latency period of decades, requiring continuous exposure to the inciting stress. Our departure from our genetic roots certainly qualifies.
If disease does not strike immediately after a bad life choice, then the conclusion is that the choice is just fine. We refuse to take the long view and make intelligent decisions now for consequences that may not emerge until years later. It's a common human failing we see replayed in every aspect of human endeavor. It's the modus operandi in government, economics, agriculture, social issues and health care. Living in the moment is what children and animals do. We should do better with the pounds of gyri and sulci resting on our shoulders.
Nevertheless, this common sense approach (returning to our genetic roots) to preventing cancer and other diseases will be ignored. Instead we will pour billions of dollars into research to discover the cure for cancer. But there will never be a cure other than respecting our genetic heritage and living, eating, breathing and drinking as we were designed to do. A pill or vaccine to save us just isn't going to happen.
Let me give some examples of recent research findings that reveal the obvious. First there is the "discovery" that fresh fruits and vegetables contain anti-cancer nutrients such as antioxidants, vitamins and flavanoids. Why would they not be anti-cancer, they are the natural food of humans? No research is necessary to discover that!
Then there is the "discovery" that cancer preferentially feeds on glucose, diverting it from body use and inefficiently metabolizing it by glycolysis into lactate and a couple ATP energy molecules. (Glucose normally yields 38 ATP.) The body then has to reconvert the lactate back, via the Cori cycle, into glucose (at an energy cost). The net result is that the cancer acts like an energy sink resulting in cachexia, a pathetic condition of severe muscle wasting and debilitation. Modern diets are laden with sugar and starches that not only provide the perfect food for cancer but the perfect acidic medium in tissues. Processed sugar and starch is not a natural human food. No research is needed to discover that!
Research has also shown that a low carbohydrate, high protein, high arginine (meat amino acid), low omega-6 fatty acid and high omega-3 fatty acid diet is useful for both preventing and treating cancer. Tumor cells do not do well on fats or protein. But they love that sugar. The natural, raw diet for humans and their pets is high in fat (the preferred energy source) and protein, high in omega-3 fatty acids (fish, wild meat, some seeds and vegetables) and low in omega-6 fatty acids (grains, grain-fed meats and most oils), and is alkalinizing. This is no scientific discovery. It's common sense.
But companies are clamoring to patent versions of natural diets and crediting their science for discovering the obvious. Examples are new patented, "cancer-fighting" foods featuring high fat, high omega-3 fatty acids, low carbohydrates, and high protein and arginine. Finally, feeding people and pets what they should have been getting all along (as, I hate to say, I have been arguing for decades) is so novel that it is patentable!
It is the edge-of-the-map science that is responsible for this sorry state of affairs. Like the ancient mariners who believed the world ended where their maps left off, science has assumed that calories, regardless of their source, were the edge of their map. Their nutritional world ends with calories and percentages of known nutrients. Science has insisted that if a human or animal requires X calories per pound each day, it matters not whether those calories come from fresh, real foods or Twinkies. That's why hospital patients paying a thousand dollars a night dine on Registered Dietician Jell-O, diet pop and instant potatoes.
What has been ignored is that calories are not the edge of the map; ships do not drop off the Earth when they disappear over the horizon. Now the world beyond the edge of conventional medicine and nutrition is slowly being rediscovered. The world is round... and people and animals require their natural, genetically programmed diet that lies beyond the edge of science’s calories. Quality of calories do matter and is a whole new world promising health.
So, to increase the chance of having cancer, or to speed its progression, eating the standard modern fare is the way to go. Get lots of sugar and lots of grain-based foods such as pasta, bread, cereal, bagels, donuts (which convert to sugar after consumed) and lots of vegetable oils. Increase carbohydrates, eat oleo and look for low-fat foods. Drink very little water and instead enjoy acidified pop and municipal acidic water. Tumors thrive on this banquet.
You can wait for “research” to prove that natural foods and natural living (fresh air, exercise, sunlight, loving relationships) prevent and reverse cancer, or you can be a thinking person and apply this obvious wisdom beginning today.

Further Reading:
The Wysong Optimal Health Program™ http://www.wysong.net/optimal_health_page1.shtml
Lipid Nutrition – Understanding Fats and Oils in Health and Disease http://wysong.net/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=WOTTPWS&Product_Code=ED050-S&Category_Code=EDUAIDS&Product_Count=4
Is the U.S. Healthier than Ever? http://www.wysong.net/health/post_77_061902.shtml
What to Do to Reverse and Prevent Acidemia http://www.wysong.net/health/post_101_011403.shtml
Shorts – Acidosis...I Told You So http://www.wysong.net/health/post_99_123002.shtml
Cancer and Diet http://www.wysong.net/PDFs/mar_apr2000.pdf
Cancer and Sulforaphane from Veggies http://www.wysong.net/healthletter/hl_aug99.shtml
Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Fish Oil for Cancer http://www.wysong.net/healthletter/hl_apr99.shtml
Sugar and Cancer http://www.wysong.net/healthletter/hl_sep98.shtml
Flax Seeds and Cancers http://www.wysong.net/healthletter/chl_dec96.shtml

About the author:
Dr. Wysong is a former veterinary clinician and surgeon, college instructor in human anatomy, physiology and the origin of life, inventor of numerous medical, surgical, nutritional, athletic and fitness products and devices, research director for the present company by his name and founder of the philanthropic Wysong Institute. He is author of The Creation-Evolution Controversy now in its eleventh printing, a new two volume set on philosophy for living, several books on nutrition, prevention and health for people and animals and over 15 years of monthly health newsletters. He may be contacted at Wysong@Wysong.net and a free subscription to his e-Health Letter is available at http://www.wysong.net.

by: Dr. Randy Wysong

Cancer Diet - Minerals

A cancer diet needs a good balance of minerals because minerals are needed by all cells for proper function. Patients are often found to be mineral deficient, so this is an area of the diet that needs particular attention.

There are two classes of minerals. Macrominerals, such as the well known calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and phosphorus, and microminerals, such as boron, chromium, copper, iron, iodine, germanium, sulfur, silicon, vanadium, zinc, manganese and molybdenum.

The good news is we will get most of the minerals we need, provided we are eating a diet based on a wide variety of fruits and veggies, with the addition of nuts, seeds and grains.

Where we can get in to trouble is that minerals are washed out of soils with constant rain, and modern fertilizers don't usually contain the wide variety of minerals we need. Organic gardeners usually use rock minerals on their soils and this results in organic produce have a much higher and broader range of minerals.

Germanium is one micromineral that cancer patients are often low on. It is essential for immune function and is critical to tissue oxygenation. Cancer grows rapidly where there is low oxygenation of cells. Germanium is found in broccoli, celery, garlic, onions, rhubarb, sauerkraut and tomato juice as well as aloevera and ginseng.

Iodine deficiency has been linked to breast cancer in more than one study. Seasalt contains iodine and a variety of minerals rather than the isolated highly processed iodine additive in table salt. Asparagus, garlic, lima beans, soybeans, sesame seeds all contain natural iodine along with the nutrients needed for good absorption.

Large amounts of brassicas eg brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower, along with peaches, pears and spinach can block absorption of iodine, so ensure there is a balance of iodine rich foods in your diet.

Selenium has been linked to cancer. Selenium and Vitamin E work together to attack free radicals. Selenium is critical for pancreatic function, and pancreatic enzymes are critical to the bodies ability to fight tumour activity. This mineral is generally found in meat and grains, however countries such as New Zealand and much of America is known to have selenium deficient soils.

As there have been several studies showing that good selenium levels have significantly reduced the risk of cancer, this is one mineral you want to have enough of.

Food sources that should be included frequently in a cancer diet are: brazil nuts, broccoli, brown rice, brewers yeast, chicken, kelp, onions, salmon, seafood, tuna, wheatgerm and whole grains. Garlic, chamomile, ginseng and parsley are all easy to use concentrated forms that can be added to the diet daily.

A couple of warnings:

Be very careful about self-dosing with minerals as several of them will block absorption of others if the dose is too high.

Again, eating a variety of foods, with particular notice taken of those that have high mineral levels is the safest way to go. If you wish to explore mineral supplementation further, talk to your naturopath or nutritionist. But whatever you do, don't ignore the importance of these vital elements to your well being.

by: Marilyn Bennett

Identifying the Signs of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women and the leading cause of cancer deaths.

Every woman's breasts are different so it is important for each individual woman to be familiar with her breasts in order to recognize any peculiarities.

Unfortunately, the early stages of breast cancer may not have any symptoms. This is why it is important to follow screening recommendations. As a tumor grows in size, it can produce a variety of symptoms including:

* lump or thickening in the breast or underarm * change in size or shape of the breast * nipple discharge or nipple turning inward * redness or scaling of the skin or nipple * ridges or pitting of the breast skin

If you experience these symptoms, it doesn't necessarily mean you have breast cancer, but you need to be examined by a doctor.

Breast cancer is very rare before age 20 and is rarely diagnosed in women younger than age 25. Past that age, the incidence rises steadily to reach a peak around the age of menopause. The rate of increase is lessened after menopause, but older women are still at increasing risk over time.

Although a specific cause for breast cancer has not been identified, there are risk factors that increase the likelihood that a woman will develop a breast cancer. These risks include:

* Maternal relative with breast cancer. * Women who start their menstruation early and/or go into early menopause, increasing the length of reproductive years, are at greater risk. * Obesity. Women who are overweight are at increased risk * Women who have never had children are at greater risk. * Women who had their first child over age 30 are at greater risk. * Previous breast cancer. * Previous endometrial cancer.

Aside from the genetic predisposition, the common factor in many of these risks is increased endogenous estrogen exposure over a long time.

It is recommended that women over 35 check their breasts monthly. However, it is also important that all women do regular breast checks. Your doctor can show you how to effectively check your breasts. Any lump, regardless of size, should be reported to your doctor. Many of these lumps are simply fatty lumps or cysts but it is far better to be safe than sorry.

Catching breast cancer early makes a big difference in the type of treatment needed as well as the overall prognosis.

About the author:
Anne Wolski has worked within the health and welfare industry for more than 30 years. To see many great health-related resources, go to http://www.magnetic-health-online.com

by: Anne Wolski

How Your Smoking Affects Your Loved Ones

Your cigarette, cigar or pipe smoking doesn't only have an affect on your health. The U.S. Surgeon General's report "The Health Consequences of Smoking," released in 2004, states it has been proven that smoking (or living with a person who smokes) can cause disease in nearly every organ of the body, in men as well as women. This means that every time you "light up" you are potentially damaging the health of your children, your spouse and your loved ones.

It is a fact that second hand smoke (also known as environmental tobacco smoke or ETS) is a major cause of children's illness. As children have developing lungs and have higher breathing rates than adults they run the greatest risk of health effects. In children under the age of 18 second hand smoke has been linked with pneumonia, lower respiratory tract infections, upper respiratory tract irritation, increased severity of asthma and asthmatic symptoms. It has been associated with sudden infant death syndrome, middle ear infections, upper respiratory tract infections (colds and sore throats) and cancers and leukemia. Japanese researchers just released a study that suggests that second hand smoke may affect childrens gums. 70f the children of smokers had a brownish or black pigmentation of their gums.

Statistics show that approximately 3,000 non-smoking adults die of lung cancer each year as a result of second hand smoke. Second hand smoke has been linked to nasal sinus cancer, cancer of the cervix, breast and bladder. Second hand smoke also causes an increased risk of death from heart disease.

If you must smoke, it is essential that you protect your loved ones, especially children. Don't smoke in your home. If you must smoke, smoke outside. Do not smoke in your car when your children are with you. Make sure that childcare providers and others who work in your home or around your children do not smoke.

There are many publications available to you free online that provide information on environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) and it's affects on your family. Visit the US Environmental Protection Agency at http://www.epa.gov/smokefree/publications.html for a free booklet.

The fact is that it's not only your own health at risk when you smoke. You quitting will make your loved ones healthier, and happier too.

About the author:
Article courtesy of http://www.stop-smoking-helper.com

by: Kelly Gillis

How to Fight Cancer and Win - A Book Review

How to Fight Cancer and Win - A book by William L. Fischer

You might find this book interesting. Despite being published in 1992, it remains (as of this writing) among the top 20,000 sellers on a popular book-selling site.

William Fischer worked for pharmaceutical companies in Germany. He later became a writer on natural healing methods and has traveled far to learn the healing methods that exist in different cultures.

In his book, How to Fight Cancer and Win, William doesn't advise you to ignore your oncologist's treatment plan. He does, however, give you plenty of information on how to supplement your fight against cancer. Flaxseed oil is part of that advice.

Fighting cancer can be a tough battle to win. I have met a few people who believe they have beaten their cancer through a powerful system called Falun Dafa.

You can download a book filled with stories of people that have overcome all kinds of illness here: clearwisdom.net/emh/download/publications/health_index.html

If you know of someone who has cancer, perhaps you should let him or her know about both of these resources.

This article is for information purposes only. Nothing in this article is intended to diagnose, treat or prescribe for any health condition. If you have or suspect you have a health condition, contact your physician immediately. That is especially so for something like cancer.

by: David Snape

How to Cope With Cancer

Picture yourself walking down the street where you live. Everything looks normal, but you have a feeling that something is not quite right. Suddenly there’s a rumble and the road buckles up around your feet. You struggle, unable to move forward. Your thoughts become erratic and scattered, just when you need clarity. People come to help you, but that sinking feeling remains and something is telling you that your life will never be the same.

If you have been diagnosed with cancer you know what I am talking about. A cancer diagnosis can knock you out like nothing you’ve experienced before, and your life won't be the same. The learning curve is steep, and you’re forced up that curve at an alarming rate so that you feel unsure of which turns to take. Sometimes you feel as if you’re in a swamp with no road at all, and you rush around desperately looking for solid ground so you can rest. Some of these experiences are common, but everyone walks a different road on the journey with cancer.

Fortunately there is a lot of help out there to guide you to safety. Sometimes there seems to be too much help – too much advice, too many decisions to make. The trick is to listen to your intuition, your “gut instinct” or that “still small voice within”. Take some time alone to ask yourself questions such as “How do I feel about that?” or “What is really important to me?” Listen for the answers which may come to you when you wake up, although it may take a few days or weeks to be clear.

Cancer gives you permission to evaluate your life and prioritize what is truly important to you. Look at your activities and the people around you to see where you gain or lose energy, and reduce the impact that energy robbers have on your health and on your life. If the problem is from a relationship or work, it may be necessary to make some changes. These decisions aren't easy, so make sure you have support from other sources. The process is worthwhile when the payoff is your health, so establish your priorities and values, and be prepared to draw a line in the sand to stay within your comfort level.

I was diagnosed with Stage II breast cancer in 1986 and 2 other minor cancers in 1987. I used the wake up call to figure out how to get rid of my excess anger and depression as well as cancer. From a variety of sources I noticed a common thread and created a list of categories which I call “Find Your Own Road” to serve as a guide in finding your unique road to health. It doesn’t mean that you walk the road alone, but that you make choices about which building blocks you will use to build your road, as it will be different from everyone else’s road. There are books, tapes and videos to suit every situation and help you “Find Your Own Road”. Take the time to choose what speaks to you. Read every book with a critical eye and take only what you need, place what you may need in the future on an imaginary shelf, and discard what does not work for you. The act of taking charge and playing an active role in your health care will move you towards a better state of health.

“Find Your Own Road” –an adjunct to conventional Western medicine
1. Nutrition
2. Exercise
3. Sleep and Deep Relaxation
4. Simplicity
5. Spirituality
6. Volunteer Work
7. Support System
8. Humor
9. Art / Music
10. Complementary Therapies
11. Visualization
12. Cognitive Therapy

Items 1, 2, and 3 are the main categories to evaluate for yourself. There are guidelines posted daily about the benefits of healthy food choices and regular exercise. Pay attention – they’re talking to you! With regard to making choices, ask yourself “Is this good for my health?” Listen for the answer, and use it to plan your diet and your exercise regime. Walking is the most basic and therapeutic exercise which can be incorporated into any lifestyle. The time spent sleeping is when your body heals, so give it ample opportunity to do that, especially if you are in active treatment for cancer. Surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy are effective in getting rid of primary cancers, but your body needs help to recuperate and maintain a healthy state afterwards. Deep relaxation means complete mental and physical relaxation for at least 15 minutes a day, this does not include time spent lying on the couch with a remote control. Deep relaxation comes from such things as deep breathing, meditation, prayer, massage.

4. Simplicity in life will help you to focus on your health. In this fast paced, high tech world we have lost sight of our basic needs and the advantages of a simpler lifestyle. Our materialistic wants can be blown out of proportion to what is really important and a cancer diagnosis serves to remind us where our priorities lie. Loving and being loved by others is a prime human need without which life just doesn’t make sense. Dealing with any unfinished business will help you achieve peace of mind and be comfortable with who you are.

5. Spirituality is an individual thing and may or may not include formal religion. Many people say that their faith has sustained them through an ordeal with cancer which is a wonderful thing for them. For those who have no formal religion, the world offers spirituality in many ways: spending time appreciating nature, and expressing gratitude for what you have, will help you to connect with your inner self and also see a bigger picture. Nurturing yourself will ultimately help you to connect with and nurture other people.

6. Volunteer work can provide you with many happy hours. When I was going through chemotherapy, I heard on the radio about a study which said that volunteering gives you satisfaction and promotes longer life. “Right, I can do that” I thought, and added one more block to build my road to health.

7. Building a support system keeps you moving forward on the road. I found support from my husband, other family members, and friends without whom I would not be where I am today. It’s tough to walk a cancer journey alone and well worth the effort to develop a strong support system. Working with other volunteers provides me with peer support; we even ran a retreat for women with breast cancer for 6 years. I am now a life coach and I coach people who would like additional support in coping with cancer.

8. 9. & 10. The fields of music, art and laughter offer a wealth of healing power. At the retreats we provided a variety of activities including music, art, and humor workshops which were well received. There were also sessions with practitioners of Massage, Therapeutic Touch, Reflexology, Reiki, Yoga, Qi Cong, Tai Chi, Spirituality, and others. The idea was to give people a sample of things that would help to promote wellness in their lives after cancer treatment.

11. We all use visualization to get us where we want to go. During my cancer treatment, I used visualization to strengthen my belief that I could do something constructive to heal myself. I found color pictures of T-cells killing cancer cells in the June 1986 edition of National Geographic magazine, and I spent many hours visualizing my cancer cells being snuffed out by hard working killer T-cells. Imagery is an individual thing so it’s important to visualize something that will work for you.

12. Cognitive Therapy has helped me to work through anger, and reduce negative self talk and depression. Positive thinking is encouraging, but without behavior change it can be superficial. Positive behavior comes from working through negative thoughts and letting them go, at the same time replacing them with positive thoughts and actions. Taking charge of your health helps to control stress from fear, anxiety or worry, and is a process which requires ongoing vigilance.

Western medicine can work wonders and I had excellent care through diagnosis, surgery, and chemotherapy in 1986 and 1987. I felt something missing though, and I struggled emotionally for a long time before I felt secure ground beneath me. Learning how to cope has now restored my confidence, but I continue to watch my step and stay focused on my road to good health. When my body tells me I’m a little off course, I make a conscious effort to get back on the road again.

Facing cancer has changed my life – I’m grateful to all the people who have been part of my journey and I appreciate every single day. I believe that by improving my quality of life, I have also been able to enjoy a greater quantity of life.

About the author:
Lynn Roodbol is a health care worker who was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1986 and 2 other minor cancers in 1987. She has attended many seminars and workshops on cancer, and volunteered in many capacities . She is now a certified coach for people with cancer and lives in Ontario Canada. Lynn can be reached at http://www.cancersupportcoach.com

by: Lynn Roodbol

How to care for yourself during Breast Cancer Radiation Treatment

Battling Cancer is a tough time in anyone’s life. Perhaps the toughest. That’s why we’ve decided to write this article on how to care for yourself during radiation for Breast Cancer.

It very important to properly care for yourself during radiation for breast cancer. Keep in mind that after radiation you could feel fatigued for up to six weeks. Sleep as much as you like during this time – one thing you really need is your rest.

Also, make sure after radiation that you wear a comfortable bra. Making sure your bra fits properly and doesn’t rub in any way is all part of good care for yourself during radiation for breast cancer. If a part of your bra rubs place a soft cloth between the bra and your skin.

Weight loss can be a problem after radiation treatment. In order to properly care for yourself during radiation for breast cancer make sure you eat a balanced diet. This will help you to avoid weight loss and keep your energy levels as high as possible.

Keep the skin fold area under your breast clean and talk to your doctor before using any powders, lotions, deodorants or perfumes. As part of your care for yourself during breast cancer radiation you need to make sure you are not using any products that might react with your skin at this time or do something to affect the radiation treatment in any way. Because of this it is best to avoid deodorants. Deodorants contain magnesium, and this can inhibit the effectiveness of the radiation treatment. To avoid reactions with the treated area, also avoid starching your clothes.

As part of care for yourself during radiation for breast cancer bathe the treated area in lukewarm water. This is because hot and cold water can damage your skin.

Article by health writer Kate Wiley of http://www.healthy-shopper.com Health in 1 http://www.health-in-1.com and Advice on Health http://www.advice-on-health.com
You may use this article on your website providing you include the above author bio and active link to our health sites.

About the author:
Kate and Phil Wiley run the popular health sites http://www.healthy-shopper.com Health in 1 http://www.health-in-1.com and Advice on Health http://www.advice-on-health.com

by: Phil Wiley

How Second Hand Smoke Threatens Your Health

Secondhand smoking, breathing in of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), is also called passive smoking. It is when a person breathes in smoke given off into the environment by other people.

Secondhand smoke or ETS is a combination of side stream smoke coming straight from the burning tobacco and the mainstream smoke that is exhaled by the smoker. It comprises of over 4000 chemical constituents, a large proportion of which are the inducers of respiratory illnesses and around 40 are known or suspected carcinogens.

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has classified ETS as a class A (known human) carcinogen along with other known carcinogens such as arsenic, asbestos and benzene etc.

ETS is unfiltered, thus the levels of carcinogens in it are much more than in smoke inhaled directly by an active smoker. Smoking of a cigarette produces smoke from two major places, mainly from the tip of cigarette and from the rest of the cigarette as the hot vapors liberated through the cigarette and its filter.

About 70% to 80 % of ETS is from the burning tip of cigarette and comprises of the highest levels of nicotine, carbon monoxide, tar and various other carcinogens. Therefore, a constant exposure to an ETS is apparently even more injurious than directly smoking a cigarette for an equivalent period.

Effects of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke

Immediate effects:

Immediate effects of secondhand smoking comprise of eye irritation, cough, sore throat, headache, nausea and dizziness.

Long-term effects:

Lung cancer: The major cause of lung cancer among non-smokers is secondhand smoke. One of the studies revealed that hospitality workers who were exposed to secondhand smoke became three times more prone to lung cancer.

Cardiovascular problems: ETS can induce short-term and long-term harm to the heart by decreasing its functional capacity and lowering the capacity of blood to carry oxygen. Some of the chemicals in secondhand smoke can block or harden the arteries, causing problems like atherosclerosis, hypertension and later heart attack. In one of the studies, it was found that secondhand smoking enhances the risk of a heart attack by at least two times.

Stroke: Non-smokers exposed to secondhand smoke run at least 80% more risk of stroke than do the non-exposed people.

Asthma: One of the studies revealed that the non-smokers exposed to ETS at work showed at least twice the risk of asthma than the non-exposed people did. Those who were exposed to ETS at home as well, showed as much as five times greater risk for asthma than the non-exposed people did. In individuals who already suffer from asthma, exposure to ETS can
significantly decline their lung function.

Breast Cancer: Some of the recent studies have revealed ETS to increase the risk of breast cancer among women.

Effects on the fetus:

Smoking by a pregnant woman can have various serious consequences on the developing fetus.

• Babies born to women who smoked during their pregnancy have a low birth weight and are often born prematurely.

• Their organs, chiefly the lungs, are smaller than of other babies and these babies are more susceptible to cot death.

• They are more prone to illness all their life and are more likely to become addicted to the tobacco later in their life.

Effect on Children

• Kids that are exposed to secondhand smoke from either parent during the first year of their lives are far more likely to be afflicted with asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchiolitis and other respiratory problems than kids who were not exposed.

• Secondhand smoking may also predispose children to the impairment of the blood circulatory system, behavioral problems and olfactory (nasal) problems.

• It also increases their susceptibility to develop cancer during their adulthood.

About the author:
Cancer is one of the main causes of death among humans. Visit "Cancer Information", FREE web site for those who want to learn how to deal with this vicious disease.

by: Alex Fir

How Is Mesothelioma Treated?

Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles. However, they may have been been exposed to asbestos dust and fibre in other ways. This could include working with asbestos or by home renovation using asbestos cement products or even by washing the clothes of a family member who worked with asbestos. The resulting disease is rare form of cancer in which malignant (cancerous) cells are found in the mesothelium, a protective sac that covers most of the body's internal organs.

Mesothelioma occurs more often in men than in women and risk increases with age, but this disease can appear in either men or women at any age. About 2,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed in the United States each year. Although reported incidence rates have increased in the past 20 years, mesothelioma is still a relatively rare cancer.

There are various procedures used for the treatment of mesothelioma. The type of treatment depends on the location of the cancer, the stage of the disease, and the patient's age and general health.

A common treatment of the disease is by means of surgery by the removal of part of the lining of the chest or abdomen and some of the tissue around it. For cancer of the pleura, a lung may be removed in an operation called a pneumonectomy. Sometimes part of the diaphragm, the muscle below the lungs that helps with breathing, is also removed.

Another method is Radiation therapy, also called radiotherapy. This involves the use of high-energy rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Radiation therapy affects the cancer cells only in the treated area. The radiation may come from a machine or from putting materials that produce radiation through thin plastic tubes into the area where the cancer cells are found .

Anticancer drugs can be used to kill cancer cells throughout the body. This is known as chemotherapy and involves the administration of the drugs by injection into a vein (intravenous, or IV). Currently, doctors are also studying the effectiveness of putting chemotherapy directly into the chest or abdomen.

Because mesothelioma is very hard to control, the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) is sponsoring clinical trials that are designed to find new treatments and better ways to use current treatments

About the author:
Looking for information about Mesothelioma?
Go to: http://www.mesotheliomalegalreview.com
'Mesothelioma Legal Review' is published by Linda Woodhouse -
The complete resource directory for Mesothelioma related information, legal services, and products
Check out more Mesothelioma articles at: http://www.mesotheliomalegalreview.com/archive

by: Linda Woodhouse

How Diet Influences Cancer Risk

Diet is a double edged sword. Improper diet increases the risk of cancer but a proper, well balanced diet reduces the cancer risk.

Diet is one of the most important lifestyle factors and has been estimated to account for up to 80% of cancers of the large bowel, breast, and prostate. Diet affects the risk of many other cancers, including cancers of the lung, prostate, stomach, esophagus and pancreas.

Prostate Cancer:
High consumption of meat, especially red meat, substantially increases the risk of prostate cancer.

Vegetables, especially cooked tomatoes, reduce the risk of prostate cancer. In one clinical trial, the role of Vitamin E as a prostate cancer reducing factor was established. In this study there was a 32% decrease in prostate cancer incidence and 41% decrease in prostate cancer mortality in people receiving Vitamin E supplements when compared to controls.

Breast Cancer:
In Japan, people consume Tofu, a soya product. It contains isoflavones that moderate the estrogen receptors in the body such as breast tissue. The incidence of breast cancer is low in Japan when compared to Western women; only 1/4th of the mortality rate of Western women. Japanese women's low fat diet, high fish consumption and drinking green tea also decrease their breast cancer risk.

One case control study found that regular consumption of soy foods was associated with a marked decrease in breast cancer risk in premenopausal women. No effect in post-menopausal women.

A Japanese case-control study also found that tofu intake (3 times/wk compared with less than 3 times/wk) was associated with decreased risk of breast cancer in premenopausal women. Again, soy intake was not protective against post-menopausal breast cancer.

In one study conducted in America, the relation between soy intake and breast cancer risk found that tofu consumption was protective in both premenopausal and post menopausal Asian women.

Lung Cancer:
Lung cancer risk is substantially decreased by a variety of carotenoids. Carotenoids act as antioxidants and thus minimize cell damage.

One study in Boston focused on the effect of different types of carotenoids on lung cancer risk. It was observed that lung cancer risk was significantly lower in subjects who consumed a diet high in a variety of carotenoids. This was especially true with non-smokers who had 63% less risk.

One study conducted in Hawaii reported further evidence for a protective effect from certain carotenoids against lung cancer and that greater protection was afforded by consuming a variety of vegetables compared to only foods rich in a particular carotenoid.

Stomach Cancer:
Nitrates in food and other preservatives added to food including meat are converted into 'nitrites' in the human stomach. The nitrites undergo nitrosation to form 'nitrosamines' and 'nitrosamides'. This increases the risk of stomach cancer in people eating vegetables from nitrate rich soil.

In one study, Vitamin C appeared to protect against the risk of stomach cancer by inhibiting formation of nitrates in stomach.

Cancer of the stomach is 5 times more common in Japanese people compared to Western populations. When Japanese people migrated to the United States, they progressively acquired the low incidence of the US due to changes in their diets.

In one study conducted in Hawaii that involved both Japanese and Caucasians, the stomach cancer risk was associated with consumption of rice, pickled vegetables, and dried/salted fish, and a negative association with vitamin C intake.

One ecological study in Belgium showed a relation between the nitrate and salt consumption and stomach cancer. The analysis of this model showed that the significance of nitrate as a risk factor for stomach cancer mortality increased markedly with higher sodium levels.

Dietary habits and stomach cancer risk was studied in Shanghai, China. According to this study, risks of stomach cancer were inversely associated with high consumption of several food groups, including fresh vegetables and fruits, poultry, eggs, plant oil, and some nutrients such as protein, fat, fiber, tea and antioxidant vitamins.

By contrast, risks increased with increasing consumption of dietary carbohydrates, frequent consumption of preserved, salty or fried foods and hot soup/porridge, with irregular meals, speed eating and binge eating. This provides evidence that diet plays a major role in stomach cancer risk.

No single food can completely prevent cancer but a balanced combination of different groups can help. Appropriate diet can prevent 3-4 million cancers each year.
About the author:

Cancer is One of the Main Causes of Death Among Humans. Visit http://www.cancer-data.com, FREE web site for those who want to learn more about taking control of their health.

by: Alex Fir

Honeybee Propolis: Good for Bees and Good for You

What's propolis?
In recent years, much scientific research has gone into the amazing health-enhancing benefits of honeybee propolis, a completely natural substance which benefits the human immune system and even helps to fight cancer.

The major benefit of propolis is that it is strongly antiseptic and antiviral; bees make it to seal their hives and protect them from disease. It works. Scientists claim that bees keep their hives more sterile than hospital operating theatres, because of propolis. Bees are doing something right to ensure their survival, because the energetic little creatures have been found fossilized in amber millions of years old.

To make propolis, bees harvest resinous sap from selected trees, then mix the resin with other plant substances and beeswax. They line their hives with this blend, ensuring that no microbes, bacteria or viruses can infect the hive.

Propolis contains a bonanza of some 180 natural compounds. These include terpenes, widely used for medicinal purposes, benzoic acid, a natural preservative, and caffeic acid, currently being studied for its anti-tumour properties. Propolis also contains flavonoids.

Good things in propolis

Propolis contains medicinal terpenes
The medicinal benefits of terpenes have been known for centuries. Terpenes are widely found in nature. Menthol, for example, is a terpene which is isolated from various varieties of mints like spearmint and peppermint. Menthol gives topical pain relief and is also antipuretic – that is, it relieves itching. Taxol is a diterpene which is isolated from the bark of the Pacific yew; it is widely used as an anticancer drug.

Propolis contains caffeic acid: a cancer fighter

In tissue cultures, caffeic acid inhibits the development of human breast cancer cells, and of melanoma skin cancer cells. Many different studies have confirmed this response to caffeic acid. The medical journal, Cancer Research, has proposed that the caffeic acids in propolis could even help to prevent colon cancer, because in experiments, propolis stopped the formation of cancerous growths in rats which had been exposed to carcinogens. Much study continues to be done with caffeic acid and propolis.

Propolis contains flavonoids, which are protective against heart disease and cancer

Flavonoids are complex chemicals which found in fruit, tea, soy and propolis. Flavonoids are responsible for the colours of plants, and are antioxidants which protect plants from harmful free radicals. Flavonoids are a huge mix of chemicals, much more complex than vitamins. They've been studied because foods containing flavonoids are protective against illnesses like heart disease and cancer.

What can propolis do for you?

Propolis boosts and rejuvenates your immune system
Your immune system determines the state of your health. With a strong immune system, you're fighting fit. When your immune system is compromised, by stress or by any illness, you're correspondingly less able to fight off infection, and your body ages faster because cells aren’t repaired properly.

In a Polish study, a double-blind trial of propolis found that propolis stimulates the immune system. This stimulation protects against cellular deterioration, fights off harmful bacteria, and stimulates the formation of antibodies to fight disease-causing agents.

Propolis boosts antibiotics, helping them to fight super bugs

Propolis has been found to be effective against Staphylococcus aureus, a deadly bacteria, which is now resistant to all but one pharmaceutical antibiotic. It's estimated that up to ten per cent of all US hospital patients become infected with S. aureas, which causes surgical infections, blood poisoning, and a form of pneumonia. If you're taking an antibiotic, propolis can work synergistically with it.

John and Barbara Dawson know that Goldshield Elite's Honeybee Propolis is effective. They say: "Our granddaughter, Charlotte, who is just three, takes two capsules daily and manages to fight off all the bugs which go around at nursery school. Any colds she may get she usually shrugs off within a day."

About the author:
John Has been involved in the health and wellness industry for over five years.The human body requires good nutrition to renew, repair and rejuvenate itself on a daily basis.We are overtaxed by hectic lifestyles, pollution, overly processed food, and poor food choices that contribute to dietary deficiencies. John created www.LifeStyleSuccess2007.comfrom his experiences and personal success and now supplies cutting edge, scientifically backed nutritional products.

by: John Dawson

Helping Someone With Cancer

Do you know someone with cancer? A cancer diagnosis can be crippling in itself, inciting fear and anxiety over an unknown or perhaps dreaded future. Victims worry about their health, their looks, and their families when a doctor pronounces this terrible sentence. If a friend or family member is struggling with one of the many forms of cancer, your support and encouragement are likely to be most welcome.

But how do you help someone who has cancer? There are several things you can do to make your friend or loved one feel more at ease.

1. Treat the person the same as always. Don’t approach her gingerly, as though she might break or fade away. Nor should you overdo it, however, by talking too much or roughhousing with children who may be physically fragile. Just treat the person the same as you would if he had not been diagnosed with this condition. Of course, if the diagnosis is grim, you need adapt your attitude accordingly and not gloss over serious implications.

2. Offer practical assistance. As you have time, run errands or bring in a home-cooked meal. Grocery shopping, letter mailing, and kid drop-offs at sporting events can save the sick person’s time and energy. Depending on how well you are acquainted with the victim, you might want to come over a few hours each week to clean house, baby-sit, or cook meals for freezing.

3. Be an encouragement. Send a funny get-well card or an inspiring note. Drop off a humorous video or suggest praying together before you leave. Using discretion, you might want to let others know about the ill person’s indisposition so they can possibly help out, too.

4. Be willing to listen. Sometimes those facing a serious problem like cancer, especially when a terminal diagnosis has been given, may simply want to reminisce about the past, discuss future plans, or share difficult emotions. Just being available to listen in person, by telephone, or via the Internet can provide a beautiful source of support. Don’t push or pry, however. Wait until the person is ready to talk.

5. If the situation warrants, consider donating financial support. A single mother with two fatherless children may need to get connected to social service agencies. Or she may have some general support already, but lack a little extra money for holidays or birthdays. You may want to send a card with a $20 check that could help pay for special occasions or real needs, needs, like medication, above and beyond any insurance coverage.

6. Provide transportation. If the person grows weak or is unable to drive and family members work at jobs that keep them from driving the sufferer to appointments, ask if you can take the person when you are available. Getting around is one of the greatest challenges facing people who become immobile with serious illnesses.

Whatever your circumstances, chances are you can offer some kind of help to a person who is struggling with cancer. It will certainly be appreciated!

About the author:
For more information about helping someone who has cancer or to get help for a loved one or yourself, visit Cancer Directory at

by: Charles Kassotis

Health Benefits of Olive Oil

Why should you use olive oil? Well there are several reasons. Substituting olive oil, a monounsaturated fat, for saturated fats or polyunsaturated fats can:
• Reduce blood pressure
• Inhibit the growth of some cancers
• Benefit people at risk for or with diabetes
• Lessen the severity of asthma and arthritis
• Actually help your body maintain a lower weight

Atherosclerosis, also called hardening of the arteries, occurs when particles of LDL cholesterol stick to the walls of the arteries. Eventually these particles build up and form plaque. This plaque narrows the blood vessels and increases the work load of the heart in an effort to get oxygenated blood to the entire body. The result can be a heart attack or stroke.
Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fat and antioxidants like chlorophyll, carotenoids and vitamin E. Scientists have identified a compound in olive oil called oleuropein which prevents the LDL cholesterol from oxidizing. It is the oxidized cholesterol that sticks to the walls of the arteries and forms plaque. Replacing other fats in your diet with olive oil can significantly lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attack.
A study published in the January 2005 issue of Annals of Oncology has identified oleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid found in olive oil, as having the ability to reduce the affect of an oncogene (a gene that will turn a host cell into a cancer cell). This particular oncogene is associated with the rapid growth of breast cancer tumors. The conclusion of the researchers was that oleic acid when combined with drug therapy encouraged the self-destruction of aggressive, treatment-resistant cancer cells thus destroying the cancer. Olive oil has been positively indicated in studies on prostate and endometrial cancers as well.
Unlike other fats, which are associated with a higher risk of colon cancer, olive oil helps protect the cells of the colon from carcinogens. A study published in the November 2003 issue of Food Chemistry Toxicology suggests that the antioxidants in olive oil reduce the amount of carcinogens formed when meat is cooked.
Diabetics or those at risk for diabetes are advised to combine a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet with olive oil. Studies show this combination is superior at controlling blood sugar levels compared to a diet that consists entirely of low-fat meals. Adding olive oil is also linked to lower triglyceride levels. Many diabetics live with high triglyceride levels which put them at risk for heart disease.
The body uses the healthy fats in olive oil to produce natural anti-inflammatory agents. These anti-inflammatory agents can help reduce the severity of both arthritis and asthma. Uninflammed cell membranes are more fluid and better able to move healthy nutrients into the cells and move waste products out. A lower incidence of osteoporosis and dementia is found in areas where people consume large quantities of olive oil.
Sounds impossible, right? A study conducted on eight over-weight men published in the September 2003 issue of the British Journal of Nutrition yielded results that indicate a significant loss of body weight and fat mass can be achieved without increasing physical activity and making only one change in eating habits: the substitution of olive oil for saturated fats. The eight men were divided into two groups and for four weeks ate similar foods with the exception that the first group ate more saturated than unsaturated fats. The second group consumed the same number of calories as the first group, but the fats were mostly monounsaturated fat (olive oil). At the end of four weeks, the men from the second group were lighter and had a lower body-fat index than the men who ate the saturated fats.

Exposure to light and heat can turn olive oil rancid. This destroys the healthy, antioxidant properties of the oil. Look for olive oil that is sold in darkly tinted bottles. Also, look carefully at the display in the grocery store. Are there glaring lights or sunny windows nearby? If so, you will want to check out some different stores. My favorite grocery store keeps the olive oil on the shelves closest to the floor and away from the fluorescent lights.
When you get home, find a dark, cool cupboard for storage. One suggestion is to pour some of the oil from the original container into a smaller container. The original container can be kept in the refrigerator for maximum protection. (The oil will become cloudy and more solid in the refrigerator.) The smaller container you select for your weekly supply of olive oil should be opaque and have a tight-sealing lid. Exposure to air is another enemy of the fragile antioxidants.
Confused about the different grades of olive oil? Extra-virgin olive oil is produced from the first pressing of the olives. It has the lightest flavor and contains the richest array of antioxidants. The next pressing of the olives produces fine virgin oil. Refined means that chemicals were used to extract the oil instead of pressing. Avoid refined olive oils. Pure olive oil is a blend of refined and virgin olive oils. I don’t recommend pure grade either. If you see the words cold pressed on a bottle of olive oil that means heat was not used when extracting the oil. Remember, heat destroys antioxidants, so cold pressed is a good thing.
One last thought on this subject. If you are considering switching to olive oil from other oils, you might be shocked when you first look at the differences in price. I’m a serious bargain hunter. I always buy generic and look for bulk discounts whenever possible. But even the most determined penny pincher understands that there are simply some things that are worth the extra money. Olive oil is one of them.

About the author:
Bio Jean Fisher is a former elementary teacher turned web publisher. At www.whatsfordinner.netshe and her partner, Pam Pour, offer solutions for busy families. "What's For Dinner?" is a free service that suggests one delicious meal seven days a week, provides you with an organized shopping list that can be customized to include all your shopping needs, plus two stimulating table topics and one educational after-dinner activity for each day. As one happy visitor commented, "It's everything you need all in one place!" Come see for yourself, there is no registration required. www.whatsfordinner.net

by: Jean Fisher