"benefits" other than male masturbation activities

With the right approach, masturbation can be regarded as sexual activity without side effects. Several books about male sexuality is even suggested in certain conditions masturbate. Here are some "benefits" other than male masturbation activities.

Reduce Desire 'Court'
Single man or who live far from each other can overcome his desire for a while with masturbation as a last alternative. This way is more profitable and not risky than seeking sexual partners while, or 'snack', especially when considering the risk of AIDS or a disease transmitted through sexual contact.

Recognizing Sexual Self In
With masturbation, men can learn to recognize sexual organs in detail. For example, where the most sensitive parts on his penis, fantasy what can make him really excited, and so on. Introduction is very important to improve the quality of sexual life of the household.

Rapid desensitization
For young men and can achieve repeated ejaculation, masturbate shortly before sexual intercourse can also slow the arrival of ejaculation. However, this method is not recommended for older men or in conditions that do not fit, because it can spend its energy before the 'play'.