Improve Your Abilities

Some days a lot of questions came to me, 'Ma'am, I am 36 years of age or older than 40 years, I experience a, b to z, I have many years of working in PT XYZ, I have a problem with my company, I was not paid properly and a variety of problems that do need answers and general questions came from women.

Raises questions in my heart, why do they have to ask that, if they are not sure of themselves, so they would have to ask and make sure can or not? or why they should stay so long in the firms that make them uncomfortable?

I want to ask why and why? but its not my capacity for ask .... unless they want to talk or discussion with me and of course in the capacity as a friend. Because not my place to judge good or bad company, or human resources quality or not, things returned to their respective private. Want or do not develop themselves to improve the quality of his personality.

With what (What)?
with a name or SKILL ABILITY.

Why? (Rev.)
Ability or skill is very important for every individual? because by increasing our ability to make value-added or value added. The possibilities for a position or a job easier.

How and who? (How and Who)
Following training tailored to your interest in working, such as a customer service representative, can attend training 'Serve the Good', 'Leadership', 'ability to sell', language skills and deepen various other training that can support the career nature or retirement preparation.

If someone has the ability to penjadi businesses or enterpreneurs can follow the training that will support its business to be cultivated later. Such as 'Leadership', 'Time Management', 'Being a Good Entrepreneur' and of course the most important learning products to run as a business later on.

In addition to training enrich themselves by reading books, newspapers, magazines or tabloids that can help memgembangkan themselves. Technological development is also more remarkable, the world seemed without limit with the internet. Through the virtual world or the Internet we can learn anything with ease. Google searching one facility where we can find the information we need on the internet.

When and where? (When and Where)
while young and able to follow the training facilitated by the company or offered training center or charity that provides affordable training or aid agencies world that provides training free of charge.

..... and the most important of all is to always think positive and believe you can. Nothing is impossible as long as you want and try, because God is always helping his people who want to try and appreciate what HE gave. HE never slept so HE knows where his people who want to or not.

Always look at the opportunities that exist if there CHANCE, never afraid to try.

Rasuna Office Park, 7.15pm, August 10, 2009
written by Siti Meiyana Arafat