The Purpose of Life

Many people simply live life, without having a "GOAL" is clear. And while one does not have a "GOAL" is clear, then he did not know whether he was doing it would make him a "BIG" or "NO".

Every training session I always give it something like this arise. When participants were asked, Do you have a GOAL, GOAL, DREAM ..? It was predictable, all participants must be answered, "certainly doong ..." it is "or the objectives siih there ga ..

Okay .. if so now take a piece of paper, and write down the goals / Goal / Dream you
Within minutes the participants are always thoughtful reply mnghadapi blank paper ...

Looh .. ko confused? He said a goal, a dream Goals??
That yag frequent and always occur

For people - people succeed, the determination of "LIFE PURPOSE" is "The Key" that will make someone reach what dikendaki in this life. Because everything that exists in the real world begins with one's desires or goals.

What is the benefit of a person having a clear purpose in life ..?

1. Our spirits are always updated.

Without clear objectives, enthusiasm will easily fade. Morale appears when we fought for a clear purpose and see how "the Creator" works in our lives.

2. The direction of our lives becomes clear.

Without goals, we lose direction and will not go anywhere. Finally we become complacent, saying: 'I did this there'.
That's why Have a definite purpose in life so that we know will be what we will.

3. Reach achievement above average.

Without goals, our lives would be mediocre. Working with the focus and make things the best in your life.

4. Have the right attitude.

When we do not like the choices we make, we usually will be more critical, grumbling (it - other negative things). But if we follow the plan "the Creator", we'd better have an open heart and can better relate to other people.

5. Life is more precious.

If we live for ourselves, then we will be disappointed. Setting goals will help us use the time, effort, expertise and talent / talents wisely.
Life is a gift, and we need to handle it well.
Pick a clear purpose in life and ordain "LIFE PURPOSE" right now.

Soooo .....
SET>>> write>>> VISUAL / IMAGINE always>>> accompanied with DOA>>> KEJAR and Reach your GOALS

Keep Faith ....
Salam Positive

Life for Happiness

Irma Sustika