CEOs' first jobs and suggesting it's ok if new grads land entry-level jobs that aren't quite "the stuff of their ambitious dreams." Like becoming Miss

Finally, Microsoft is gaining a bit of traction with its Bing search engine, in part due to nicely done TV commercials showing information garbage overload from "other" search tools, which Search Engine Land gathers here.

The ads "seem to be going over better than the Seinfeld/Gates ones," says Web Pro News. "We have to admit, this is starting to look like something," says The Next Web. TV Squad says one Bing commercial said the movie The Breakfast Club came out in 1986, but it actually came out in 1985, and Microsoft actually fixed the ad! Making that the fastest Microsoft fix ever.

So you know they're serious. Google CEO Eric Schmidt isn't exactly scared by the threat, but he suggested Bing can't buy true search love with ads.

The fun-loving Microsoft gang shows up (looking like the Manson family) in a slideshow aimed at new college grads over at Business Insider, showing famous CEOs' first jobs and suggesting it's ok if new grads land entry-level jobs that aren't quite "the stuff of their ambitious dreams." Like becoming Miss California.