Top Stories for the Week of May 4 - 8, 2009
"A Star Trek that doesn't suck? Get out of here," marvels Yangblog World. "J.J. Abrams, who figured out how to make a Tom Cruise vehicle almost watchable, has done the impossible."
Yang's Rule #3 for a successful Trekflick:
"You need miniskirts and go go boots. Seriously." The new Star Trek movie that opens Friday night has generated insane buzz and hopped-up reviews across planet blog.
"This is the kind of movie that will inspire fervent devotion and love the way the original trilogy did," raves a reviewer at Ain't It Cool News. "A slick, witty reboot --with a twist" low-keys Xenophilia. Film School Rejects lists 8 things about it that will blow you away--number one: "big, sexy space battles.
These scenes felt massive..." The Wrap reports that 63 of the 67 "Trek" reviews on Rotten Tomatoes are positive including many raves, and that 83 percent of ticket sales at MovieTickets.com are for Trek. Wolver-who? The trailer is everywhere--Look at His Butt! goes that better with video of William Shanter watching the new trailer. "Favorite part: after he says 'It looks great!', Bill IMMEDIATELY launches into shill mode for his OWN Kirk-at-the-Academy book! Screw Abrams! Buy my book! I AM CAPTAIN KIRK!! " For those catching up, Big Stupid Idiot offers a Star Trek Movie 101, with trailers and summaries of all the previous big-screen treatments. Cinematical adds its top Trek movie moments: #1 "KHAAANNN!!!!" Read more View here