Cutting Costs in Tough Economic Times is a Business Reality. Try ExactSeek's Flat-Fee Alternative to High Cost PPC Programs!

EXACTSEEK'S FEATURED LISTING PROGRAM can't be matched in value or performance. Why pay for ads in Google, Yahoo! or other pay-per-click engines that experience a 15% - 25% click-fraud rate and cost you more in one day than a sponsored listing with us costs in months. The choice is simple. ExactSeek and the ISEDN (Independent Search Engine & Directory Network), are able to provide a flat rate keyword program that offers webmasters & siteowners Top 10 Exposure across a large network of search engines and web directories at low, one-time, flat fee rates. We provide the only alternative to PPC that delivers solid value and true benefits:

How Our Program is Different From Google AdWords

Fixed Cost: $3 to $4 per month per keyword term, or less.
No per-click charges. Volume discounts available.

No Hassle: No keyword bidding, no bid management
and no incentive for click-fraud.

Keyword Selection: If a good keyword term is available - it's yours.
No keyword management or variable keyword pricing.

Top 10 Exposure: Through a Rolling Selection
System and restricted keyword sales.

World-Wide Placement: Your listing(s) featured worldwide on
100's of search engines and web, blog & article directories.