Testimonials from our Users

In last month’s newsletter we asked the Zenoss users to share their thoughts on why they use Zenoss. We got tons of testimonials all very flattering and very much appreciated. We will be sharing all of these on our website but here are the two winners from the contest. First, John Burkhart was randomly chosen from all the winners citing Zenoss flexibility as a key advantage of Zenoss. Then the editor’s pick went to Mike Loven of Coleman technologies, Mike’s cheeky overview of why he loves Zenoss was just too good to pass up, it’s an awesome read not to be missed. (Each winner will receive a brand new Dell Mini Netbook)

Terima kasih atas Tanggapan.
Kami memiliki beberapa testimonial besar dari orang-orang yang berpartisipasi dalam survei April. Terima kasih kepada John dan Burkhart Mike Loven dan orang lain untuk jenis kata mereka.

Terima kasih atas minat dan dukungan bagi Zenoss. Click Read more