The Twitpocalypse is similar to the Y2K bug. The unique identifier associated to each tweet has now exceeded 2,147,483,6471

Meanwhile, a catastrophe called the Twitpocalypse is coming on Saturday! Maybe! This page has an ominous number-counter tallying the number of total posts on Twitter—and says when it reaches 2,147,483,647 it'll break some sort of barrier for unique IDs, causing all third-party Twitter apps to crash.

Just like the Y2K bug, we think it's most likely hoopla about nothing," Mashable says.
Even if the worst case scenario occurred and 3rd party apps simply went bonkers, should still work fine." Some are taking no chances.
Goth/industrial rocker Trent Reznor, who has used the Web to market his music and connect with fans, now claims he is now done with Twitter and all social media. Stereogum has his long farewell rant.
As Podcasting News relates, he blames "unattractive plump females who publicly fantasize about having sex with guys in bands." Then he explains how they can slit their wrists. Nice! Actually, the man behind Nine Inch Nails hasn't really quit, just "turned his Twitter account into a one-way stream of NIN-only material," says Ajax Blog.