The wondrous Big Picture blog pulls together 40 stunning, oversized images showing people doing things on, and to, our fave planet, Earth. In that spirit (sorta) Environmental Graffiti offers pics of the the 10 most incredible globes (two are chocolate!).
Mashable is inspired to present five inspiring Earth day videos that are worth the energy they consumed to produce—one is about regrowing a rainforest. Think eco-greenies are all work and no play? No? Well think they have no sense of humor? HuffPo compiles a video montage of the best Earth Day jokes.
Of course, others went green by shopping responsibly. Clutch rounds up "the most amazing green products on the market" and offers a mini-glossary of green-marketing buzzwords like "organic" and "green" (it's "a philosophy").
Consumerist has an Earth Day edition of its daily deals with eco-friendly bargains ("Free Roll Of Recycled Foil Wrap "), unfortunately followed by not-so-Earth-friendly merchandise (shampoo).
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