Thousands of dolphins block Somali pirates

Moving on: This one isn't a video (yet) but has sailed around the globe: Boing Boing relays a Chinese Xinhuanet news report saying thousands of dolphins swarmed to block "evil Somali pirates from attacking Chinese merchant ships the Gulf of Aden" (any NFL fan knows the Dolphins and Bucaneers have a rivalry that goes way back). It might be fake: "It's Xinhuanet, so take it with a grain of salt," says BB. "But even if this is phony PRC naval propaganda, the headline and the story are too good not to re-blurb."

And finally, there was of course that "glitch" on Amazon whereby nearly thousands of hundreds of gay and lesbian books simultaneously lost their rankings after being classified as "adult material," Mark R. Probst reported. As usual the online blowback blew up exponentially—on Twitter the hashtag #amazonfail becoming the top-ranked topic. Users then began to hunt for books Amazon considered 'adult,' and came up with some pretty weird results, reported Jezebel.