Your request is being processed... Anderson Cooper: "It's Hard to Talk When You're Teabagging" (VIDEO)

Up next after these messages: Did Anderson Cooper really say that? "Oh no he didn't," says Snap, Crackle and Pop. But, yeah, he did.

With some politically conservative citizens around the nation engaging in tea parties—dumping tea bags and jugs of Arizona ice tea to protest the government's recovery spending—CNN analyst David Gergen said the Republicans "still haven't found their voice, Anderson." Cooper quipped, straightfaced: "It's hard to talk when you're teabagging." He was, of course, referring both to the conservative anti-tax tea bagging protests and to the sex act, says HuffPo, which has video (of the CNN conversation only) here. S

ays TV Zone: "I don't what any of this means, but...I'm reasonably certain it doesn't have much to do with Darjeeling or Orange Pekoe." No charges have been filed.