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The ASI is unique and may not be specific offset by susu formula. What is its advantage? You know the origin, each air susu mammals (creatures / animals that feed their children), specific for each species. So human breastmilk is most suitable for human infants. So, when I really do not get your baby breastmilk. To further ensure, following some of the benefits of breastfeeding compared to formula milk. ASI perfect source of nutrition: Contain substances of high quality nutrients that are useful for growth and development of the baby's intellect. Among others, the cells forming the brain, especially DHA, in a high degree. ASI also contain whey (the main protein of susu in the liquid) more than the casein (the main protein of the susu-shaped tablet) with the criticism 65:35. The protein composition is breastfeeding more easily absorbed by the body of the baby. Susu formula: Not all of the vitamin in it can be absorbed by the body of the baby. For example, cow milk protein is not easily absorbed because it contains more casein. Comparison of whey: casein susu sapi is 20:80. Easily digested ASI: The formation of enzyme digestion perfect new baby at the age of approximately 5 hours. Breastfed babies easily digested because it contains enzyme-enzyme that can help the process of digestion, among others, lipase (for fat disjoint), amilase (to decompose carbohydrate), and protease (to decipher protein). Remaining in the metabolism of akan ekskresikan (issued) through the kidney was only slightly, so that the small working kidney to be more lightweight. Know the origin, metabolism is important because it is a process of burning oxygen-oxygen in the body into energy, the new cells, and others. Susu formula: Difficult digested because it does not contain enzyme perncernaan. Keep in mind, a series of production processes in the factory resulted in enzyme-enzyme digestion does not work. As a result, the more the rest of the digestive process resulting from the metabolism, the kidneys make the baby have to work hard. (Toast / int)