Suddenly the phone in the room padepokan ring faster, Ki Haryono the original intent to exchange thoughts with the junior-junior is back at home, as it were, in life and ran toward the phone. "Yes Master, still crowded, Ki Dai no teachers present, Ki Ageng also can not attend, he said there is the ritual in his studio," said Haryono Ki Ki Rogo question of who called Guru, the existence of two building an Association Paranormal Paranormal Nusantara (IPN ), Ki Dai Satria Dakwah Million servant and Ki Ageng Ismoyo.
Ki Rogo hear an explanation from the request receiver, Ki Haryono face changed immediately. Yes padepokan news if it is being in the naga susupi four luminous green, the nail to create well-thin man with curly hair. Moreover, at that time Rogo Ki are in Yogyakarta to conduct a ritual in the cave supernatural Langse, Jogja requested by grandparent Guru Sejati, Spritual Teacher Ki Rogo. Based on the command of the teachers, quick-Ki Haryono also contact Ki Akeng Ismoyo. While waiting for the presence of Prince Ghendam, Specialists Pengasihan that arrived in padepokan, Ki Ismoyo lead directly to other members padepokan lock padepokan with the positive aura that they just scattered. "Teachers also ordered to lock the two padepokan the moment, so that the fourth entry is the dragon that can not be more out of padepokan," he said.
Every few minutes Ki Ageng also present, with the strength he had, the Paranormal in the opening practice of Housing Court Blocks B number 2, behind Hotel Planet, Jodoh also tried to find this year being what you have to infiltrate padepokan.
"Foreign usual, I see there are four dragon, all green lights emit rays, one of which is very big," said Ki Ageng.
Are trying to arrest, sudden nature of the supernatural, met with Ki Rangga Rogo, the strength of both teachers and students Paranormal this is finally ignites. "Ki Rogo into my body," he said. The second cause is the science which is very unusual, the body of Ki Ageng Ismoyo suddenly removing the silver rays, which slowly fade and eventually emit rays that are not less green light rays with the four dragons.
"I have been aware of and do not realize, suddenly we are attacked, and I was in the bouncing cekik up to several times," I Ki Ageng Ismoyo. Although the opportunity terpontang-skelter, but eventually Ki Ki Ageng assisted Rogo Sejati successful capture invisible dragon is the biggest. Body shall be directly enhanced jade stone shaped plate with two eyes and hand carved dragon and the Yin Yang. "Foreign usual, this new one I feel the battle, usually only to help teachers (Ki Rogo) only," he said.
Via telephone after the arrest, Ki Rogo explained that the four invisible dragon is a paramilitary unit Raja Naga Emas is successful in a subject some time ago by the island's Cakar Chicken. (One)