Mr. Nindyo Morning, I live in a residential area close to the airport (airport) Hang Nadim and used as the aircraft. I worry when a plane struck down that fall. I would like to ask, what type of insurance that can protect my home is?
(Wiwin - Batam Center)
Sister Wiwin, aircraft accidents are frequent in Indonesia. Throughout the year 2009 alone there were at least 9 (nine) cases of aircraft accidents, the last on 17 April 2009 Air plane Mimika in Papua fall. Reasonably be calculated if the risk is quite dangerous for citizens who live in housing in lalui aircraft flight path.
Type of insurance that can mengcover this is the fire insurance and property all risks insurance. In the operative clause in PSAKI (Policy Standard Fire Insurance Indonesia) mentioned in this policy ensures that any loss or damage to property and / or interest in the pertanggung is directly in the right by: (1) fire (2) clocks (3 ) explosion (4) falling aircraft. In the sense of falling aircraft is a "physical impact of aircraft (including helicopters), or all things that fall from him, and with the property or interest in the pertanggungkan, or the building containing the property and / or interest in the pertanggungkan". So, while building your home or are a part of the fuselage serpihan and does not cause a fire, the damage that can be replaced if you have a fire insurance policy. Kerusakannya if not total, compensation can be calculated in a manner mentaksir how the cost of repairing the damaged building (including its contents, if involved in asuransikan) or replace the damaged goods with goods similar to the depreciation of the goods or age at the time of going natural. If your home was damaged or destroyed by the total compensation can be calculated in a way to build back in the return to the same condition shortly before going natural, of course with the back pay element of depreciation or depreciation. This is in use to ensure that the replacement does not occur that exceed the value of the real loss. This means that if your home was 5 years old at the time the loss occurred compensation shall take into account depreciation for 5 years. Responsibility of the insurance will also limit the maximum at the high price of insurance listed in the policy that you have. If the price of insurance less than the actual value (under insurance) at the time the loss occurred the client will receive compensation in the computation proportionally. (Amu / *)