Jeng children often angry with the high emotions, such as hitting or rant? If YES, Jeng need to do the following ...
What Jeng had experienced following the incident?
Jeng Jeng and a small walk to the mall or eating at the restaurant.
Because it is a trivial poppet Jeng cranky, angry and rant have to go home. Jeng blandish when trying it, the more precisely sikecil explode his emotions, throw or beat what sajayang around it.
Jeng may never experience the incident as above, but most likely Jeng experienced almost the same thing. Why is this happening?
According to many experts and the development of the child psychologist, this often happens because the child is frustrated with the situation while he is not able to reveal his feelings with words or expressions that are like it.
This is often experienced by children aged 2-3 years.
Why? Age children are already starting to understand many things of which the hearing, also would like to see in its natural, etapi ability to speak his language or is very limited.
What can Jeng do?
1. The following are angry!
Jeng when children are experiencing emotional explosion, with a good shout as well as its other physical action, he can not accept the reason or inducement, but is against any Jeng that children do respond negatively. Then, if you can not hold Jeng emotions, Jeng follow-up angry, and may Jeng Jeng leave children alone.
Do not do that! Children feel that Jeng Jeng has been ignoring it, and make the child feel fear of what happens yag.
Children feel more calm if Jeng remain near it. If lets kan, or cuddle children pickaback Jeng faster until he calms himself.
2. Jeng who retain control
Do not follow the demand that children not realistic or not can only accept Jeng explosion to avoid the emotions of children. This often happens in public places such as malls, which at the time children have something Jeng not allow it, but once the child starts his emotions explode Jeng fulfill its shame because with the environment.
So, if the child asks for something outside of tolerance, we must emphatically say''NO''. If the children become angry and start hitting big or actions that endanger others, take him to a more secure place until the child becomes calm. Say that he brought to the place because of its action membahaya kan. During the child has not been quiet, do not give advice on its action, but the focus is only to calm himself. Of its Jeng said it without emotion at
So what?
When children start explode emosinya Jeng, Jeng said in its own self, 'This is a reasonable occurrence. I know how to face!''. Then remember this article .. Hopefully, writing this time can be a useful Jeng. Selamat mencoba. and regards to the small home. (toast / int)